Monday, April 13, 2009

Praise from a Master

"You were perfect!" said the Master, after the girl had been supporting and serving him in a roleplay.

My heart leaped in my chest and I glowed with pride. It was such a very little accomplishment and yet his words meant so much to me.


I think it is that a Master has no reason to praise dishonestly or manipulatively. His praise is only freely given to a girl who has really deserved it. And praise from my Master is hard won. He is exacting, hard to please and most often finds room for improvement even when noting progress.

In a world filled with so much dishonesty and flattery it is precious to be nourished with a few drops of genuine praise.

I will work all the harder to earn such happiness, and of course it opens me further to accept his shaping of the girl, submit to his will in all things.

I have some sense that he is assessing my readiness for a new challenge, to take me to a new level of obedience. I really want him to stretch me and to start breaking down any walls that displease him. I hope that having proved myself a bit to him recently will convince him that I am ready for him to step up my training again.

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