Thursday, June 4, 2009

The biggest online-ism of all? Classes for Masters

I was chuckling this week at the thought of what would happen in a Gorean city if someone circulated scrolls demanding or strongly suggesting that all male citizens were in need of lessons in how to be a Gorean Master, in particular how to handle their girls. Depending on the circumstance I think that the presumptious one might well find himself summarily tossed in the river to cool his over-heated brain.

But on second thought, if the self-proclaimed expert were anyone with real power, likely he would get the same reception in Gor as such folks do in Second Life Gor. People would listen politely, nod their heads respectfully in all the right places.... and then do as they pleased.

Gor was portrayed as a world of polite people who did not go out of their way to make enemies. But also a world of rugged individualists. Therefore, this kajira takes here lead from her own Master and knows her own Master knows how to be a Master led by the fire within.

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