Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Muse's first punishment

As a very new M/s couple, with real caring between us about establishing a mutually fulfilling relationship we approached the first time Muse got herself in trouble with some frank ooc chat.

It turned out that really my Master thought my rusty chastity belt comments were hilarious and he wasn't offended in the least. However his character Elovar, the prideful Tarnsman Commander, would have felt his masculine pride singed by the girls comments.

From my standpoint I had felt the heat of his IC comments in my heart as having displeased him. I remembered the heady, saucey feeling I had felt in bantering with the other girls. I was rebellious about being kept White Silk for that long and I had truly been making sport in an effort to provoke my Master.

I felt I deserved to be punished. The Master was troubled. He responded by dragging me back to the cabin, stripping me and tying me in the prone "bara" position and telling me that he had to contemplate the appropriate punishment.

As we had our out of character chats about what had transpired, how the Master felt about punishment, why he was keeping me in white silk for now.... I thought it likely that the outcome would be that he would return to the cabin and say that my punishment had been served by remaining there and waiting, wondering.

For not the last time, I was to be surprised by this Master's sensitive listening to his girl's submissive viewpoint. When he returned to the cabin, he expressed satisfaction to find me as he had left me and made it plain that things would have gone worse for me had I budged or covered myself. Nevertheless he understood that my offence was a serious one and punishment must be meted out to instill in me the need for a constantly respectful demeanour to my Master, or it could go much worse for me. The punishment was for my teaching and the restoration of my place.

He used a switch which he tested in the air a few times to his satisfaction and then having tied me to a post administered some stinging blows to my buttocks as punishment for my saucey remarks. He then surprised me by additionally asking me to recite the Gorean Slave Paces from memory as he beat me in response to any hesitation or error on my part to remember the words I was supposed to have memorized! I couldn't remember them verbatim, couldn't find the notecard. I was truly in trouble. As it happened I remembered most correctly but had some stumbles. I was receiving on top of punishment my initiation beating as a kajira, to solidly instill the slave paces into memory.

During this roleplay I truly got to a new level of submission to my Master, and the "edge" which had been somewhat dulled by the weeks as a White Silk and the mild trouble of inappropriate humour, was restored. I believe that my Master was reassured at my willingness to accept whatever direction his Mastery might take and became less worried about breaking my spirit with too much harshness, too quickly.

I was surprised at how proud I felt of his strong hand. My avatar wore a "warmed butt" appearance for about a week after that and I told everyone who would listen that my Master had thrashed me soundly for angering him with an inappropriate joke at the expense of his manhood. Men nodded in approval at his discipline and other kajiris shared my view that it was good to be owned by a strong Master.

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