It is one thing to have sexual obedience from a slave's body and another thing to Master her intimate sexual responses. Once she knows she has no choice, she will pretend to be Mastered by you, going through the motions of sexual compliance, but holding back that which should be the Master's, the full enjoyment of her quivering pleasure at his touch...and without that she will not be fully and totally owned...just the shell will be possessed.
An experienced, crafty Master like mine will know when she is faking. And I hasten to add that deep within her she longs for that Mastery, dreams of it, moans for it when the Master is not there but, in his presence she is terrified of it and so she rebels.... or makes a pretense of it.
It is a true thing that it is easier for a woman to ignore/tune out a man's pounding cock than a still cock inside her. Norman actually gets this right in a scene in Book 11 that I am reading now. I don't know why it is so, perhaps it is that with motion each sensation is fleeting and so is not fully realized and savoured.
Therefore in thinking about how a Master would need to deal with a girl like my alt who had come to the level of physical obedience but was still witholding responding to the Master in proper natural womanly surrender ... because that really is what frigidity is all about ... for me anyway... I imagine the following scene.
The Master summons her as he has summoned her many times before and gives a peremptory hand gesture that sends her to the furs to pleasure him. Obediently she goes to the furs and opens to him. He parts her lips and thrusts his cock hard inside up to the hilt causing a little "ooomph" to escape her, somewhat involuntary is that response from a quick hard entry by a large hard cock as the womb suddenly is lifted to collide with the diaphram which then causes a sudden gasp of breath. I don't think it can be faked and it truly is a delicious feeling. She wraps her long legs around his back as he likes and begins to contract and buck as schooled... when the unexpected happens...
The Master pulls her on top of him and then gives the hand gesture for "stay". (I find the idea of being controlled by hand gestures very sexy and appropriate in the M/s relationship) She is commanded to be motionless while kneeling on top of him, her knees on either side and his cock buried in her up to the hilt. With one hand he reaches up and grabs her collar pulling her head backwards arching her back, her breasts bobbing into an attitude of display.
The Master says, "now you truly know what it is to be in nadu. I want you to stay like this for awhile and think about this as your nadu from now on, the attitude of respect and ownership you owe your Master. Truly each time you assume this position you must feel what you will feel now. Why are the knees wide and your bud exposed but to remind you that you are owned. It is not enough to sit in nadu, you must always feel he who owns you at your core. You must always feel my rod within you" With one hand still on her collar holding her in position, the Master would take his other hand and begin to enjoy her breasts, if she resisted, he would command her to the bracelets position, hands behind back.
It is a physical fact that women's breasts are linked to their wombs and it is difficult for any woman to resist sexual arousal when she cannot deflect the massaging of her breasts. And so it would be with me, forced to remain still with the Master's cock firmly enthroned within. The teasing of the girl's nipples erect and the massaging of her breasts would bring hot wetness within telling the Master that she now was coming alive to him. A broad smile would appear on his face and the wanton girl would flush deeply that her body was betraying her.
And what would the new kajira in training be feeling? She would start to feel not just the superficial stretching of her lips around the Master's cock--the most immediately available sensation of penetration-- but she would be newly fully aware of the full length of him within her, and something primal would protest and want to escape. She'd be unable to resist trying to move a bit but the Master's hand would be firm on the collar and the other hand would pinch a nipple hard to remind her to be obedient to the "stay" command. She would be helpless to feel anything but to have the dawning awareness of the Master's full penetration become increasingly vivid to her senses. As her arousal grew she'd long to touch her clit or (more my habit) to somehow press her legs together in the way that women do to squeeze their clits and so pleasure themselves... not needing any male member to achieve this.... but in this position her clit has no stimulation, no easy way to sexual release. The only release she will have will be if she accepts her Master's cock as the ruler of her desires, and this is something she has not yet learned how to do. Her pussy grows hotter and hotter around him and he can tell how fully aware she is of his invasion, and he smiles with the knowledge of how much she clearly wants to escape, to have him out of there as his cock seems more like an impediment to her pleasure than the instrument of it. She is brought to a state of whimpering, pleading desire for easy release but it is not granted her. Instead he continues to arouse her while not permitting her release by any other means than his cock. Within she can't continue to resist her nature and is coming alive to him, her vagina is growing softer and more yielding. He smiles at the knowledge that her cunt is weeping for the cock that has mastered it and she knows that this place will soon become truly his. The Master can feel his girl then truly open to him for the first time...somewhat to her surprise.. as her cunt surrenders to him and begins to shudder around him with desire for his pounding and yearning for the hot wetness of his cum inside her.
A broad smile spreads on the Master's face and he says, "Now girl you may begin to pleasure me"... using a hand obedience gesture to release her from the stay.. and the girl understands and begins to truly pleasure him feeling her Master within her in the place that would always be his. She rises and falls on him, squeezes his rod within her, relishes the feel of him and massages her Master's cock with her pussy lovingly. When he then begins to pound her hard, she no longer hides from him but opens to him again and again, feeling each thrust as his as though it is his cock saying "mine, mine, mine" and her body now answers him truly with spasms of "yours, yours, yours" Her throes of orgasm and surrender seize his member in a loving and needy embrace wanting to drink deeply of him, thirsty for his explosion. The Master makes sure she remembers truly being fucked by him by extending this experience as long as he can until with a cry of triumph he releases into her and she yields up her shuddering surrender, weeping for joy and for sorrow for she will never again have any scrap of freedom. It is a type of orgasm that is very different from self-pleasure, difficult for a woman to come to but once learned, that woman will be tamed to the will of he who can evoke this in her. The love slave will then lay in your arms with all sweetness, feeling the wet streams of your cum down her legs, the ache in her gut from the recent pounding and the warm burning abrasion on her lips, the soreness in her nipples, and the shuddering aftershocks of her submission and they will all add up to the sum of the pleasure of truly being owned.
And so then truly the former hellion becomes gentled and owned in a new and real sense. This feeling will follow her to the most mundane of tasks so that if the Master sets her to scrub the floor and as she is scrubbing she thinks about disobedience she will immediately feel both his cock within her asserting that her body is his to command and also she will remember the Master's right to punish her body if she lags. The two sensations deeply in her body will prevent her from straying from his will. From then on when she sinks into nadu and spreads her knees apart, she opens within to her Master, always expectantly waiting for his entry, deep within her pussy she is remembering each subtle contour of his shape, and her body remembering who owns her.
*fans herself* Oh my... now THAT is an interesting perspective that I will NOT forget.
Smiles, My Master is nefariously brilliant.