Sharing some thoughts that I had on International Women's Day:
My Master and I participate together in a general discussion forum .... where we first met, pre-SL, before either of us heard the word "Gor".
When we first posted about our M/s relationship, a lively, funny, liberal woman on the forum said, "And I campaigned for years for women's rights so you could do THIS?"
To which my answer is a rather loud "Yes".
For me personally it would likely be impossible for me to explore my nature as a submissive if not for the political and economic securities that have been won by feminists (like myself!) over the years. It would also be impossible for me to even begin to discuss my nature if there were not an atmosphere of tolerance that had been forged by progressives.
Despite the tolerance that we have won for various alternative lifestyles, the Master/slave lifestyle remains the victim of prejudice and fear.
Consider the fact that in the public areas of a Second Life community where my Master has his non-Gorean home, Skybeam Estates, kajira are forbidden to kneel according to community rules. Everyone else in the community is free to sit in any fashion they please but anyone with a collar around their neck and asserting a slave relationship is uniquely restricted and forced to maintain a standing or conventional sitting position.... a restriction on our lifestyle practice.
Imagine for one minute if the community placed a restriction on gay men holding hands. Would that not cause a huge public out-cry in the larger Second Life community? So why does restrictions on slaves kneeling not do so? I believe it is because those who wrote and support the ban on kneeling believe that I (and my sisters) will welcome "freedom" from kneeling and that they are doing us some service. They are not.
From the beginning of my collaring, my Master has had some concern that I might be hurt or shocked by the aggressiveness or crudity of some Gorean roleplayers. As of this date, that has never happened to me. But I was shocked one time by the agressiveness and crudity that some non-Goreans showed towards my Master and myself when we were simply shopping together and he had me on the leash (it helps to stay together in crowds). He was mocked in a way that made me cry (in RL) and women who said that they were feminists kicked me, spat at me and called me names.
John Norman, the author of the Gor novels was a psychologist in his professional life and he was convinced that all women are submissive by their genetic make up. I don't know whether he is right or not about this. I suspect he is wrong. Most science shows that sexual attitudes and identity exist along a continuum from homosexual to heterosexual orientation and I suspect that the same is true for dominance and submission.
Like homosexuality, dominance and submission exists in the animal world. Anyone who watches nature films has seen the dance of dominant males, the growling display of dominance, the bite on the neck of the female holding her down for the dominant male to sexually use her.
I only know that my sexual nature is like that. I need the dominant display of the male. I need to be wrestled to my knees and I need to feel the strong hand holding me to his sexual will. Otherwise... I am doomed to frigidity.
We used to think we could re-train homosexuals, that their orientation was an illness. Enlightened people have given up that idea. Is it not time that we gave up the same idea about M/s couples?
We used to fear that homosexuals were all interested in seducing young kids and equated their practices with some horrific abuses in the world. By the same token I have spoken to people who cite criminal activities involving the imprisonment, rape, subjugation and sexual slavery of girls around the world and who equate loving M/s relationships as being in some way similar, or encouraging or condoning these terrible practices. This is just simple prejudice and ignorance.
Let me be clear though that this doesn't mean my submission is playacting or not real. Once I have been Mastered, I submit to the will of the Master. There are no "safewords" to escape punishment or restrictions. And that will be the nature of the relationship as long as it continues to be one that works for him. But that is a choice I make based on my nature. Because I am a submissive woman I both crave to please him and crave to feel his Mastery over me, aroused by the kiss of his whip and even the possibility it will be used if I displease.
It is a choice made possible by political and economic freedoms. I am a feminist, a submissive and my Master's devoted slave.
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