Sometimes when I am away from my Master the mind and heart wanders back to things discussed, experienced, or dreamed about.
Today I am thinking about the extra work and extra rewards offered by my rebellious alt and the path taken in her taming....
When she was branded, she emoted that the branding made her angry and cold and shrinking from you... that was totally an IC response ... (actually I was very hot).
She would emote that and her eyes would flash with fury and she'd curse her Master to the heavens and she would indeed tighten up her little pussy and shrink away... BUT... and it is an important but to know... she'd be very hot inside that pussy and hope that she couldn't get away from you that easily. She is testing Mastery.
She'd expect her Master to say with his characteristic smile, "Rant and thrash all you like girl as I enjoy the bucking all the more". Which would make her angry, amused and aroused all at once, basically she'd simmer for her Master. My alt does know that she is kajira but she has more fight in her than muse and has to put on these little shows of rebellion ... she is testing her Master... she needs to be fucked, none too gently, on the Master's terms, not hers a few times to make her slavery real to her, preferably while she is screamingly angry at him before she gets a little more gentle under his hands and is secure that this kind of crap will not drive the Master away, scare him off, or ever get her off the hook from her duty to pleasure her Master.
My Master cannot rape me, I am his. If in my confusion I resist his will, it is only part of my training that I will be tied up to stop me from hurting my Master or being hurt by him while you teach her how she is to be used.
Resisting him is crazy behaviour, not to be taken seriously. If she hits out at her Master, it causes him deep belly laughs.
Mixing punishment with sex is not our thing... but I am fully awakened only because my Master does not spare the rod at other times. When IC my Master really needs to deal harshly with her slips to assure that her tone and manner are fitting the new relationship, or she gets lazy or continues to test by becoming more mouthey and flip and this sets the training back. This can be tiresome and frustrating to both of us because really we want to get to the place where I sweetly and lovingly give power to my Master.
We both crave to enjoy the loving feelings between slave and Master. It doesn't hurt and may help the training to cuddle and for the Master to be gentle with her when she is being obedient, humble and trying hard to please, and indeed she has managed to be in that sweet loving place with her new Master sometimes, which is encouraging. The Master rewards her for it when she truly deserves it (which hasn't been very often).
But he doesn't let her get away with a thing. One or two times lately she has slipped up and started to behave in an ooc way while IC and she seriously immediately felt her tail tucked in expecting the crack of a crop on her ass. It was mildly disappointing and a bit confusing when nothing happened. She is hardly going to ask for it verbally, the Master knows when she is "asking for it.
On the whole, she responds better to a sense that any slip is immediately punished than if it builds up over time and she is severely punished. I know that the Master has a natural sense of when to reward and when to punish and she is actually tougher than muse. When she is thrashed now, she'll be angry and hurt... which means she is not yet fully Mastered, so she needs more not less. When the Master thrashes her and she feels embarassed that she has done wrong, ashamed that she has been punished, and then views the lash marks with pride at the firmness of her Master, she'll be there.
She has mentally submitted ... she has the right attitude and wants to please... but needs to feel Mastery in her body through sexual Mastery and through learning to humbly submit to punishment
These two things will bring the Master a respectful girl that will be more easy to handle and with less of a need to test his Mastery on an ongoing basis (which can be fun but also tiring and sometimes no doubt confusing).
Today I am thinking about the extra work and extra rewards offered by my rebellious alt and the path taken in her taming....
When she was branded, she emoted that the branding made her angry and cold and shrinking from you... that was totally an IC response ... (actually I was very hot).
She would emote that and her eyes would flash with fury and she'd curse her Master to the heavens and she would indeed tighten up her little pussy and shrink away... BUT... and it is an important but to know... she'd be very hot inside that pussy and hope that she couldn't get away from you that easily. She is testing Mastery.
She'd expect her Master to say with his characteristic smile, "Rant and thrash all you like girl as I enjoy the bucking all the more". Which would make her angry, amused and aroused all at once, basically she'd simmer for her Master. My alt does know that she is kajira but she has more fight in her than muse and has to put on these little shows of rebellion ... she is testing her Master... she needs to be fucked, none too gently, on the Master's terms, not hers a few times to make her slavery real to her, preferably while she is screamingly angry at him before she gets a little more gentle under his hands and is secure that this kind of crap will not drive the Master away, scare him off, or ever get her off the hook from her duty to pleasure her Master.
My Master cannot rape me, I am his. If in my confusion I resist his will, it is only part of my training that I will be tied up to stop me from hurting my Master or being hurt by him while you teach her how she is to be used.
Resisting him is crazy behaviour, not to be taken seriously. If she hits out at her Master, it causes him deep belly laughs.
Mixing punishment with sex is not our thing... but I am fully awakened only because my Master does not spare the rod at other times. When IC my Master really needs to deal harshly with her slips to assure that her tone and manner are fitting the new relationship, or she gets lazy or continues to test by becoming more mouthey and flip and this sets the training back. This can be tiresome and frustrating to both of us because really we want to get to the place where I sweetly and lovingly give power to my Master.
We both crave to enjoy the loving feelings between slave and Master. It doesn't hurt and may help the training to cuddle and for the Master to be gentle with her when she is being obedient, humble and trying hard to please, and indeed she has managed to be in that sweet loving place with her new Master sometimes, which is encouraging. The Master rewards her for it when she truly deserves it (which hasn't been very often).
But he doesn't let her get away with a thing. One or two times lately she has slipped up and started to behave in an ooc way while IC and she seriously immediately felt her tail tucked in expecting the crack of a crop on her ass. It was mildly disappointing and a bit confusing when nothing happened. She is hardly going to ask for it verbally, the Master knows when she is "asking for it.
On the whole, she responds better to a sense that any slip is immediately punished than if it builds up over time and she is severely punished. I know that the Master has a natural sense of when to reward and when to punish and she is actually tougher than muse. When she is thrashed now, she'll be angry and hurt... which means she is not yet fully Mastered, so she needs more not less. When the Master thrashes her and she feels embarassed that she has done wrong, ashamed that she has been punished, and then views the lash marks with pride at the firmness of her Master, she'll be there.
She has mentally submitted ... she has the right attitude and wants to please... but needs to feel Mastery in her body through sexual Mastery and through learning to humbly submit to punishment
These two things will bring the Master a respectful girl that will be more easy to handle and with less of a need to test his Mastery on an ongoing basis (which can be fun but also tiring and sometimes no doubt confusing).
And this will be half of the training of the tempestuous girl that snarls on the end of my Master's chain.
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