There is a debate on the gorean forums right now about whether Gorean men are Masters just by virtue of being men.
By the rules of Gor, a kajira must show respect for all FM as Masters. It has been this girls experience that most who RP as Masters hope to achieve more than the outward respect of women. They truly want to have the impact that has all women in the vicinity a little nervous, a little aroused and feeling the instinctual submissive attitude of bowed head to his boots.
In SL, anyone can be beautiful or handsome so how we make our avatar is more a reflection of what we see as beautiful, what we wish to convey about our character. A Master, to me is strong, masculine, not pretty. When I look at the avatar my Master has chosen, I can feel the weight of his lash and feel the safety within the circle of his sword. He looks solid, the rock upon which I can choose to serve as my anchor in life or to dash myself in little bits if I run at him with defiance.
SL Gor is more about words than anything else. The beauty and grace of a Master's words take away the breath of a girl and causes her to try to match his pace with soaring words of beauty and love to pleasure him. The descriptive bite of a Master's displeasure when articulated will likewise be felt by a girl in a physical sense. It is truly difficult to respond to a Master who writes poorly, or worse yet uses online abbreviations like lol, ic, thanku, etc. This kajira wants to say, "Are you 12 years old????" And again, it is my duty to be correct and respectful no matter what drivel is being typed by a Master... but drivel will not make a kajira hum with desire and respect.
The self-mastery that a Master demonstrates on longer acquaintance is truly the thing that will have girls begging his collar and hoping to never be released. A Master that is slow to anger but not to be dissuaded from doing what he wills and goes about methodically with his plans wins respect from all. Kajiris are very skilled at manipulating weaker Masters from their knees. The self-controlled Master who can smile and enjoy the girl's little efforts at influencing him, and then do as he thinks best makes his girl feel very secure. He may lose a princess kajira, but did he want her?
A Master that takes the training of his girl seriously, demanding the best from her, gives the girl what she most needs from him, the firm hand that will make her develop those things which will pleasure him and unlock more of her inner chambers to his Mastery. This is rewarding for her as it contributes to her security within the bubble of his protection and affection. Training can be assigned readings, practice of skills, attending classes, completing tasks of reflection and writing on areas where growth is needed. Training can also involve rewards, punishment or restrictions as the training progresses and as the girl needs. A Master who is content to only fur with his girl is going to quickly bore her as she is not developing new insights, skills or feeling her submission being deepened by him daily. If the Master is not forcing all her barred doors, rebellion will be growing in her locked places.
A Master is one who has other interests than his kajira. She cannot take a Master seriously who makes her the focus of his life and work. She is a jewel to be polished by him and to adorn his home and boots. She shines for him the more brightly in her pride at his accomplishments as Warrior, Scribe, Merchant or Artisan. Beyond roleplay, a Master who has his strong interests and passions in his work, studies, sports, self-development inspires submission from the woman at his feet. She falls to her knees more swiftly and naturally when the Masters speak of deep things of their knowledge and learning. She finds it hard not to fall backwards in the grass giggling when instead the conversation is superficial and juvenile. The dignity and knowledge of the Master is held in awe by a kajira. His important affairs which are none of her business are a part of why her worship of him comes naturally to her.
The honour of Gorean men is something that is lost on some playing the role of Masters in SL Gor. When I see a Gorean Master act nobly and honourably towards my Master as his comrade, I naturally want to serve that Master and so do all women want to serve men of their word, men of honour.
All of things that bring men the respect of other men, bring submissive women to their knees. Submissive women are not weak women, they are women who have a natural response to the presence of dominance, of male leadership.
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