Why do I think that women (or at least this one) sometimes needs a strong hand on her? Well disagreements happen, no matter how much she might be trying and how much love exists on both sides. And she is going to fail to please in some way or other. Sometimes it will be hard for her to admit that she is wrong or has made a mistake. I know I sometimes find things unjust and can't accept that it is not my place to judge what is fair. But someone has to be the boss in a relationship and it just causes a lot of trouble if the woman doesn't readily accept her Master's judgement and feels she can question. And sometimes the Master who has let something past with a warning other times, will finally feel that the time has come to curb an undesirable behaviour. If there isn't a stern punishment she may not understand it is important, and clearly the gentle reprimands have not yielded results. Better to make it clear this must stop than mar or end the relationship.
In most male/female relationships issues will go on and on, with each blaming the other, feeling hard done by and hearts hardening. It is all such a waste of energy and time. If a man is angry with his woman, he should be able to express that anger directly in the way that men dominate women. It can be a sudden turning over the knee, or a cold warning to go and wait for him as he intends to punish her so be ready in the appropriate position (however the Master determines is the best way to punish her. -- I actually think that a place and position for punishment help memory of punishment. Just assuming the position brings back all the other times of punishments and a review of the behaviour that has her here naked and displayed for beating-- and waiting. Being sent to a special room where punishment is meted out again causes the girl to review past misbehaviour and to understand where a pattern of misbehaviour needs to be mended. Why am I here again?
Alternatively, for me, being suddenly turned over the knee and spanked in the middle of an argument or after a slip of some sort, brings me up short, shuts me up and restores balance... but it isn't really strong punishment... it is just a reminder... sometimes it can end in laughter by both, although sometimes it can be more than expected by either when it is needed. And a firm hand on a bare bottom says to a woman, "if you behave like a child, I will treat you like a child" and that is humbling in itself and usually results in more mature decorum in future.
While a spanking can be a bit mingled with fun, when it is serious it is something that makes me cold and quiverey... and the waiting is about the worst. While I have very occasionally been whipped or switched, I feel that the sexiest, the most intimate punishment tool, (apart from a bare hand) is the Master's belt. (other devices can seem contrived or distancing.) The sound of the unbuckling and removing is associated with something very different but the woman who needs to be taught a lesson knows it will not be pleasure that is coming. There is a feeling between her legs as she hears the belt removed like a dog tucking in it's tail. She submits to be chastised as she is his slave.
When is enough enough? Punishment ends for one of three reasons. The Master has inflicted enough punishment that he feels done with the anger. With each stroke he has verbally made his displeasure known. The pain is associated with the lesson needing to be learned. Satisfied with his work the Master is ready to forgive and take her into his arms again. He feels the punishment is enough. (But the wise Master does not do this until there are humble apologies, acknowledgement of wrongdoing, acceptance of punishment.) Or, the woman's sincere tears and humble begging of forgiveness touch his heart and the Master chooses to let her off lightly as she seems truly sorry. His heart is touched by her contrition. It is well to give a couple of lashes after the apology as it will sear it into memory for her by taking her just a hair beyond her breaking point. Afterall she has made the Master go to the work of punishing her, an irritating disruption in his day.
The last reason for ending punishment, I think would be the rarest: this is the case where the punishment will be damaging if continued but the Master is still angry, the girl unrepentent, or not repentent enough. Both acknowledge that the matter isn't settled and there will have to be continued work to get the girl to accept that she has been wrong. She will be caged or chained to prevent running or any harm. Her punishment will be continued in another form and she will not know love or comfort until she is ready to seek forgiveness.
But most of the time when all is otherwise well in the relationship, a punishment clears the air quickly and whatever confused feelings in the woman become simplified and focused into pleasing. She is reassured that she cannot win power and that judgements are clear, rules are clear...etc. She may become very aroused as a side effect of the adrenalin rush from pain. The Master is no longer angry, the slave is relieved of guilt/shame because she has been punished and both feel restored as Master/slave. It can be a time of deep bonding. Often the Master's words are a surprise to the girl... only the act of punishment allows him to pour out his sadness and disappointment at her behaviour. She is ashamed of causing him the pain and grateful to learn the specifics of her fault. If the punishment session has been intense, the slave might need some time to bathe and prepare to pleasure her Master though...for the effects to wear off, be integrated. You don't want her still dazed. Let her bathe and come to you later. Take her in your arms and caress the places where you have reminded her that you will not allow her to get the upper hand. Drawing these contrasts between caresses, sexual pleasure and punishment deepens her sense of you as Master. It is quite unlike BDSM which confuses the two, (something I am just understanding.)
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