In Laura there was/is a rule that city slaves greet members of the council each day with the full karta/obeisance gesture and it was recommended that all slaves greet their Master each day with this gesture. It is the very gesture of head down tail up that animals give to signal submission. I find I like this habit to remind me of my submission. While the Master might choose to dispense with it in future or on any particular occasion, it is a small gesture that helps maintain what is at the core of what I am to him.
I can tell you also that I feel more ready for punishment and more truly punished when the punishment is received in the submissive position--or I should say that only then does the punishment have a sexual dominance context to me.
The whipping cross or post may be tied in my mind with male slaves through movie imagery or something. Don't know. It is effective punishment, but it is less intimate, less male/female, than being punished bent over a knee or a chair, or bench like a child. It felt entirely correct for my Master to whip my alt severely to break her in... and she may need that again... I'm not sure. To me the whipping post or cross is for breaking slaves, initiating them and for serious crimes. It is not sexual in nature. It is a truly harsh punishment.
At other times the misdeamenours of slaves are like the failings of children, the Master flogs or spanks his girl not to break her spirit, but to reinforce his will, help her remember the lesson, and to keep her butt always remembering who her Master is in a way that will assure that she moves quickly and obediently and.... yes... smiles... also that she bobs smartly on his cock. There is really nothing like the feeling of the Master's balls bouncing on my recently warmed butt to excite me and I would imagine that there is nothing that says "mine" like having his balls slapping against the warm red heat of a bottom he has recently chastised.
I expect to be swatted often and really to never be without the marks of a recent hand slap or welts of a switching. They are proud witnesses of the sternness of the Master. I ame kept on the edge by the occcasional unpredictable outburst of the Master in which I get in trouble for nothing.
Thinking about position again...
I found it disturbing the first few times theMaster asked me to stand in his presence, (apart from dancing or serving him) . There is a reason why slaves are in nadu most of the time. There are times that it makes IC sense for me to be standing but I think it is very important that the Master to signal permission for that and that IC I would share how weird it feels... because it does!! When we were in the woods roleplaying hunting one time when my Master had a roleplay involving Panthers, he had to remind me to stand a couple of times and that was so very in character that muse would forget and sink into nadu naturally. Kneeling in the presence of her Master SHOULD be natural to her... and it is!
Another lesson from the natural world is about how the handling of animals gentles them. One clips the flight feathers of birds and handles them daily to gentle them. One cages a horse and lays hands on it often to gentle it, to teach it that the touch of the Master is unavoidable and proper.
And so it reinforces Mastery in my mind he touches me often. And when I am not in a mood receptive to Mastery, I am very jumpy about touch. Sometimes when we are having an ooc talk and he suddenly emotes something like, "he reaches out and strokes her thigh".... I will literally tense up in RL... because I am not in the submissive frame of mind...BUT... it is therefore important re-inforcement to do so. When I sense that reaction, I realize I have to school myself to be in a receptive and obedient frame of mind and body. If things seem a little off the rails in an ooc chat, nothing works better to get me back in the zone than taking one of my breasts in his hands (my nipples are like the remote controls for my clit), booting my knees further apart (love that gesture), or checking out the state of my heat with his hand. Reminding me that the Master will touch me how he wants, when he wants, reminds me of my place. The more often I feel his hands on me in every way, the more I feel owned. And there are occasions where it does us both good when he asserts his Mastery in this way when others are around. I am not embarassed, instead it is affirming.
My reflex position in RL when sitting across from a man is to cross my legs and shield my breasts in some way... folded arms...briefcase on lap... clipboard, notebook... I hide. So opening my legs in a way that consciously reveals my vagina to my Master and arching my back to display my breasts...having bared breasts or partially bared breasts makes me feel owned. I think I have to do more to talk that up in character to keep myself on the edge... and anything he does to remind me of my position of display, to insist that I must always be in a position of display, will help me maintain myself in a state of being ready to please/serve.
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