Enough serious talk!
I'd rather think about giving my Master pleasure and when I think of pleasuring him, one of the first thing that comes to this slave's mind is how I pleasure him on my knees with my mouth.
Nothing says Mastery more clearly than a summons to oral pleasure. The Master is at work, or in conversation. He has no time or interest in the furs, yet he just feels a certain itch that needs attention. Spying his girl handy, he snaps his fingers and gives her a signal that sends her scurrying to his service moistening her lips as she runs immediately to kneel at his feet.
I don't think that there is a more definitive act for the female slave than performing a blowjob and so it needs to be done well. Masters need to spend time insisting it be done well. Its usual posture is with the female on her knees and the male ascendant. So every man getting a blowjob is a Master for that time, and any woman giving a blowjob is acting as slave.
It excites the slave in the female that there is no reason for the male to be unclothed, or even to stop doing what he might be doing, reading, writing, conversing, eating, for him to be sexually serviced by a woman's mouth. Any woman who feels that sex is an equal affair is disabused of this idea after spending some time on her knees servicing the cock of a Master who pays her no more attention than if she were shining his shoes. It is a good attitude adjuster.
I would suggest to any Master burdened with a princess kajira who expects a lot of effort from him in the furs that he demand long and thorough servicing from the girl in this fashion while he remains engrossed in other more important matters.
The male organ is symbolic of male power, so when the woman kneels before the cock, she is kneeling to the man. When she takes the cock into her mouth, she is silenced. It is highly symbolic of the fact that she has no voice that is not ruled by her Master. Finally a woman is not pleasured herself by a blowjob. The space between her legs is neglected and relegated to unimportance. No wonder most Free Women and earth women don't like giving blowjobs. But the thought of giving my Master a blowjob makes this girl very eager to please as she is a natural slave and loves to please her Master.
It is the slave's job to bring the Master to erection, not his job to have an erection. The thought of my Master's cock at rest is always a delight to me in its possibilities or also in its satisfied rest with its slack weight heavy against me in what surely must be the most possessive of gestures of the male over the female.
In meeting the Master's cock at face level I usually playfully nuzzle him first, feeling his cock against my cheek, butting against my nose, sweeping my feathery hair teasingly across him, sniffing in his delicious musk with pleasure, before extending my tongue for the first taste. The smell and taste of the Master's cock is delicious to me and fills me with tender love as well as provoking the subservient response. Instinctively my back arches in expectation of being mounted when I sniff him... but such is not to be this time, so my tail end waggles in frustration, even primal indignant fury, while blowing him. The cute bobbing of my backside amuses the Master. But such is his control that I sublimate my desires and attend to him as commanded. Too much writhing about in attempted self-pleasure will merit a choking tug on my leash.
I would begin to arouse the Master first with gentle flicks of my tongue at the front of his tip, followed by tracing his manly length with my slowly lolling tongue. Depending upon position I would also use my tits, cradling his cock between them and shimmying my tits against his not yet erect cock for his pleasure, teasing him to erection. The only response I expect is the one in front of my nose and in my mouth.
When he is fully erect I show my love and devotion first by giving his member the sweetest and most thorough of kissing along it's length from the hilt to the tip... licking and kissing my way up to the tip to where I would now open my soft mouth to receive him, delicately and reverentially like a sacrament. Indeed nothing that enters a slaves mouth is more sacred to her than her Master's rod. She feels honoured to take his maleness on her humble slave lips.
The Master feels me maddeningly teasing him with my tongue as his rod first slides into my mouth. I am adept at flicking that sensitive spot at the front of and just below his tip, swirling my tongue around the fullness of his tip and extending my long tongue backwards down the length of his shaft and then curling it up. I make a game of trying to distract him from his work or conversation, .... but he is a Master.... and I am but his slave providing a menial body service that he commands and expects from time to time.
The Master typically controls my actions with a hand in my hair, a hand on my collar or a yank of my leash of course. I open my throat to be penetrated by the full length of his cock at his peasure, while stroking and fondling my Master's balls and the hilt of his rod. This penetration is not physically pleasurable, even causing discomfort, what is pleasurable is the sensation of being Mastered, forced to take his length in my mouth.
I have been known to use my mouth in ways that displease my Master. Therefore I spend a lot of time with his cock in my mouth, so I have had a lot of opportunity to reflect on these matters. It is his favorite method to shut me up. There is no sweeter gag for a girl who uses her tongue as a weapon but longs for a man strong enough to silence her. It is a training for such a one. When she thinks of shrewish speech, she will associate words with the denial of words through her Master's hard cock in her mouth. It will remind her of what she can say and can't say in a clearer association than any whip. Her mouth is for the Master's pleasure, so only sweet words can find space there. When I start to say words that my Master has found tiresome.... I taste him in my mouth... and remember who my Master is and what I have been taught.
Periodically the Master will crave more attention from my tongue and release his control of my head to allow me to explore his length at will with tongue flicks and kisses and firm sucking of his knob. I will cradle his balls like the treasures they are, finding that sensitive spot at the root, behind the balls that enhances pleasure when gentlely kneaded during orgasm, I make sure I have a finger well-positioned for that exquisite caress. Meanwhile between my own legs I would feel a passion mounting in vain as my empty, hungry pussy bobs up and down, moist and exposed but unimportant. Drats!! I will be left unsatisfied but I must use my arousal to fuel my devotion only. The wise Master keeps his girl simmering and hungry for him.
Just when I think I can not accommodate more in what is a very small rosebud of a mouth, the Master will grow in width and length signalling to me that he soon will deposit his load. I must be responsive to his desires, to swallow his semen quickly, deftly and without fuss, or to run my tongue along his length on his withdrawal if he choses to spray his slave's face and breasts with his wad. Whatever his choice I will feel his explosion with joy, despite no release for myself, taking care to caress his hilt or his legs and buttocks as permitted to show my love and appreciation for being allowed to serve him in this way. When the Master chooses to release on my face, the girl smiles radiantly and turns her face upwards and moves from side to side that she might wear her Master's showering blessing fully over her face, from forehead to cheeks to chin, all adorned with his precious pearls.
She will then lick the Master's cock clean, dry him delicately with her hair and re-do his lacings for him. She will await his hand signal to wave her away. If she has done well, she may warrant a pat on the head or even a brief smile to acknowledge her existence and that he was pleased. Dismissed she will scamper off with her Master's cum proudly worn like war paint. She will taste him for some time to come and she will long for his rod to pound her in the place of her longing.
This is all so true. I cannot tell you how astonished I was to discover that it has been becoming popular among high school girls to give blow jobs instead of penetration, brushing it off saying, "It was just a blow job.. we didn't go all the way!" As if a blow job is the "lesser" of the two acts. I think this has developed out of a new paradigm that focuses on the risk of pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree that in my point of view, there is nothing more submissive than giving a blow job. Any woman that thinks the man is not ALSO thinking that way is delusional. So, she should ALWAYS be fully aware of exactly that. Every detail you noted was spot on. Well done.