It is often stated that before a Master can master anyone, he must first master himself. I find that most Masters have heard this and will nod their heads at the wisdom contained in that sentiment. However, I don't think all have actually understood why this is so and what it means in practice.
If you want to have a slave who will make you proud, please you and bring you quivering obedience, you indeed need to be Master of your own desires, fears and emotions.
You must be in control of your fears because if you often betray fear losing your slave, you cannot Master her.
You must be in control of your lust because she must be kept in heat and begging your cock in order for you to Master her, and through your masterful control during furring you must be able to--when YOU choose-- give her such prolonged and satisfying pleasure that she will know that she can never replace what you give her.
You must be in control of your heart because if your slave can control you with her tears and fears, you will cease to be the Master and she really will not thank you for that.
You must be in control of your anger because discipline of your slave must be methodical and fitting or you will risk breaking her or losing her.
You must have a plan of what you hope to achieve with your slave today, tomorrow, ultimately, and work to that plan incrementally and relentlessly. Your plan may change over time but it will be a conscious plan that you lay out and master.
And lastly you must be enough a Master of yourself to occasionally show your fears, your heart, your lust, your doubts, that she may know that they exist, and then show her that you are master of all of what you feel. No slave will give her soul and heart to a machine so she must know the man that you have Mastered.
And you thought it was all fun and furring!
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