Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Master is like a rock

five stone haiku

unseen intruder
yet the annoying pebble
shapes my footsteps


over-laiden cart
finds an unexpected rock
to be unsettling


at unmarked crossroad
a moss-covered pointed rock
might be a guide-post


to till my garden
I throw the hardened clay clumps
at an upright rock


the calm, deep river
cleft by obdurant boulder
churns the still waters


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

That "Mastered" moment

As a slave I never know when it is going to happen, nor how, nor really why.... I only know as surely as the sun will rise that it will!

There will be a moment ... or several... in any interaction with my Master where his mastery of this girl will be felt suddenly and thoroughly through her being as surely as if she were chained to a post and being bosk-whipped.

It is the moment when I feel my own vulnerability and submission. It is often at a moment when I don't know what might happen next.

It might be like this:

The Master looks hard at me and says a reproving word and then smiles.

"What kind of a smile is it?" I wonder. His hard look makes me shiver. In an instant I feel gut-wrenching fear of abandonment and my stomach clenches, I feel that I may have earned a whipping and my tail tucks in with an instinctual motion that tilts the pelvis and tightens the labia as though to repel a rape but actually squeezes the clit causing a spasm of sexual excitement coursing through the girl to reduce her to the state of a trembling leaf. I know that my only hope is to please him ... I need to please him... there is dampness in my heat. My nipples harden under the sheer fabric of my camisk and I look up at him with a look of total female submission to his will.

The triumphant Master looks down at me trembling at his boots... depending on his mood... satisfied to see his affect on me but with purposeful regard to impress his Mastery more upon the girl, approval and amusement to see that I have responded totally to him, or with playfulness and a wish to be pleasured by the girl who is quivering at his boots. And ready to pleasure him I will be ... the intensity is there because he has--once again--found my slave heart and made it skip a beat.

A tone of voice, a gesture, a phrase, a sudden unexpected tug of the leash, a dispassionate instruction, a hand gesture into a position..... who knows what Masterly surprise will trigger the slave's sudden convulsive tug to obedience. But triggered it will be.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Dreamer and dream

Dreamwalker you prowled like a panther in the land of slumber
Capturing mirrored light of meteor showers in your golden eyes
It was the time of late summer restless stirring in my dreams,
Falling falling through the nightsky and into your dreamscape

You held out your bright globe of captured dreams like a beacon
Catching the essence of my falling star above the ocean of oblivion
You peered with curiousity at the galaxy of soul dust swirling within
Gently you cupped a hand upon the globe and warmed the life within

Lucid dreamer with a captive dream, you shaped me
A dreaming soul birthed to a body of pure light
Constrained by iron and learning the steel of your will
I am your dream and grow into the shape of your imagining

More than one on a chain

Further thoughts on jealousy, chain sisters, mastery of more than one:

Every individual that is involved in roleplay in the Gor, I believe has to ask themselves why they are there. Are they there to examine the truths of their real selves? Then they want to roleplay in a context that to some extent resonates with their own deep truths and who they are. Or are they are they amused by playing a role in the context of the often inconsistent rules of a manufactured society? In that case they will enjoy trying on many different roles and the more preposterous the situation, the more fun for them.

Knowing why you are here will determine how seriously you take it all and to what extent you are prepared to accept things that run counter to inner truths.

Like others, I am attracted to Gor because some of what Norman writes about the submissive nature of women speaks deeply to my erotic imagination and rings true about the way in which I am attracted to men.... or not. I crave Mastery in order to open fully and sexually to a man. I won't settle for less. In fact I demand it by being a very, very strong woman that will break any man that doesn't keep me on a short leash. In many ways I am an alpha female and I seek the alpha male. I can explore this role in Gor or elsewhere. The relationship comes first, the roleplay is a very distant second for me.

Men understand the deep biological competitiveness that they feel over the possession and dominance of women. Sometimes they fail to see and understand that women -- who can have much fewer off-spring than men--are even more biologically driven to compete. Let's realistically understand that there is a deep biological urge to have the sperm of the strongest and the brightest to father one's own children. This is not an impulse that is conducive to women lovingly and easily sharing a Master's penis. Human children take a long time to grow up. Women want the strong warrior and mighty hunter to only have to protect and feed THEIR children.

BUT you say... Gorean slaves don't have children, and ... further... this is "just" Second Life. True but submission itself is recognized by Norman and broadly in Gorean thought as coming a deep biological need relating to the genetic imperative of women. We know that the excitement of submission, the thrill of Mastering a quivering, responsive female fuels the sexual tension of Gorean roleplay... despite the premise of slave infertility. We enjoy the way the roleplay taps into that sensual energy. I think it is only commonsense to understand that the same roleplay will also trigger the territorial and competitive programming in all of us.

If you are not deeply engaged at an emotional and physical level in experiencing all the joys and pain of the Master/slave relationship then I truly fail to understand the appeal of the roleplay... but certainly if it is just a game to you then sharing a chain will not be hard for you. For the rest of us, it will likely be extremely difficult.

Am I saying that it is impossible to Master more than one? No. I am saying that it won't be easy, and it is a different sort of relationship and challenge than the Mastery of one love-slave. In the books, Norman did not suggest that kajira loved each other as "sisters". Quite the opposite, he acknowledged the bitter rivalry among slaves. Certainly friendships between slaves are possible. Friendships among women everywhere flourish and are deep and nourishing. But just as sexual competition among men threatens friendships, so does it with women.

You say, "But slaves are not allowed jealousy. They are not allowed an ego."..... I fall over laughing in the grass and kicking my little feet in the air. Slaves may not be allowed to EXPRESS jealousy, or hurt, or pain, or suffering, or... any other emotion the Master forbids them to speak of... but slaves are vibrant, complete, loving women in collars with all the emotions of human beings, which is the thing that makes having one on her knees at your boots so very, very delicious.

One time I sent a communication to a woman of my Master's acquaintance--an ooc note regarding an ooc relationship--and my Master was very angry with me. His response was to order me to exist in the bracelets position and to forbid me to speak to any female of his acquaintance without permission. Whether IC responses and restrictions are appropriate for situations that are totally ooc is a subject for another post (I don't think they are) ... and yet I feel the wisdom and appropriateness of my Master's response. Why? There would be only one way for him to have peace under his roof if he were to bring another girl onto his chain. He would have to chain me to keep me from killing her and forbid me to speak to her so that the vitriol I would throw in her direction--out of his earshot-- wouldn't have his new girl in tears by nightfall. And so he would have to begin to enforce his will on me with deep restrictions to counter deep impulses.

It is the Master's decision to have as many kajira on his chain as he wishes and it is the Master's decision as to what roles and duties the girls have and who will be his first girl and to punish that which is displeasing to him. I love my Master dearly and so if he were to bring another onto his chain I would do as he asked me and hide my pain as best I could as a fallible person. But I would be stabbed through the heart inside and seething with hatred for my rival. I would see that the Master didn't care about that and I would... in time probably stop loving him. And I concede that might not matter a whit to a Master.

I read posts all the time, and hear stories from Masters who bemoan the "ooc drama" that happens between the two...or three... or more... girls on their chains. "Why can't everyone just get along?"... and I have to laugh at the naiviety of that statement. It isn't the kajira's job to "get along" with the girls you have on your chain, it is your job as Master... who has created this tense situation to enforce your will on the girls. You have chosen to have a nest of seethingly jealous females fighting over access to your cock. That is the bed you have made, Master... go lie in it. Go and chain those girls, put them in separate cages. Do what you must, but don't expect them to be the solution to your dilemma. Let them know that any who displease you will be killed. You'll get peace and obedience. Love? Well you've made a choice that love is not going to rule you. Don't let it.

And so I think it is a choice for the Master of what sort of Master he is and what kind of work he wants to put into his Mastery. Mastery of one is difficult, but given the submission of the heart of the girl, he will find it always pleasing to bring out the girl's slave nature to love and serve him. To Master more than one is a different challenge and the Master must not expect a bevy of happy, loving girls who will love each other and serve him happily to arise by magic. That is an outcome of a long and difficult task of Mastery. He will be fighting their competitive natures, have to give much thought to both discipline and control through his power to make each girl love him enough to put up with her sisters. He will lose some who will run away or suicide rather than share.

At this point in time, I rather think my Master would lose me--physically and emotionally-- were I to find another on the chain with me, but his Mastery has surprised me before now in taking me places I did not think I could go. I am kajira and know that it is my Master's choice to make. I have no illusions that I have any influence over his decision beyond the power of any slave has.... to please him so very, very, very well with beauty, exquisite obedience and sensual delights, that he would ... at least for a moment regret my loss. He has chosen to collar an alpha female and is not fool enough not to know that any girl he would bring into my reach would be in danger of being clawed to death. He enjoys the ferocity of my love for him and is well-satisfied with having brought a proud alpha female to kneel at his boots. He also knows how deeply I love my collar and his power over me. He is Master and will decide.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Things I am working on--Jealousy

Time that I talked about some of the hard work and problems I have encountered as a kajira and the work in progress.

My Master sometimes tells me that I become a green-eyed monster. I have little experience of jealousy in my life and so I've had to think about this strange complex of emotions that I feel.

To me jealousy has always seemed to be about selfishness and I do not think of myself as a selfish person. I have lots of experience with being a loving, giving person to family, to organizations to causes.

When I look inside my heart and ask whether I want my Master to be deprived of happiness, to be limited in his friendships or loves, I don't find anywhere that feeling, so what sends me into a panic when another woman comes on the horizon?

Fear of loss. Fear of painful competition and complications. Fear of being found not as good as the other girl and the fear of the devastation to the ego and hurt to the heart of abandonment.

And here is where I get myself into a huge conundrum because I CAN see ways to reduce those fears. All of the ways that I reduce those fears involve retreating into myself, hardening myself to the Master. If I care less about whether he releases me or not, how can I open myself to his Mastery fully? If I "hedge my bets" by flirting with other Masters and assuring myself of an ego-sheltering place to "jump" if I am thrown aside then I am in danger of dishonouring my Master, causing disharmony with his brothers, and making a self-fulfilling prophesy as I divide my loyalties.... all of these strategies that earth women use when their heart is threatened with heartbreak have the side effect of undermining the intense and total ownership that I feel.

I don't have answers yet. I am resisting withdrawing, resisting any defensive strategies and keeping my heart, mind and legs open totally to my Masters will, whim, pleasure and my heart full of love for him.

Yet it is so often breaking when I have these fears. I don't know how other kajira manage it or whether they do? Is this an unobtainable goal, to be fully Mastered, deeply love the Master and yet not fear the loss of him?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Jewel within the Slave

One of the most valuable lessons of slavery is learning that one's value is not dependent upon power.

In my real life I went through a period in which because I lost a particular job, I totally lost my sense of self-worth and identity for a time. I felt like a piece of discarded trash as my identity was so wrapped up in the status and power of a leadership role I had in my work.

But a slave has no power, no possessions, almost no ability to make decisions for herself. She is owned, her Master's property, to be used, sold, punished even killed as he wills it.

Yet her Master values her.

The danger in this is that the girl will become so dependent upon her Master's approval that she becomes a clingy bootwarmer. SL Gor seems full of whiney dependent slaves and that clingy dependence does not endear most girls to their Masters.

Most Masters want a bit of a challenge, a girl that they have to wrestle to her knees and who amuses them with displays of wit, intelligence and sauce.

Within each slave there is a beautiful female jewel that starts out dull and uncut. The Master will shape it to his pleasing but it is the girl who polishes and makes it shine for the Master's pleasure. As the girl sees this jewel take shape, her feminine beauty, grace, her ability to pleasure a Master, her unselfish female submission to the wishes of the male, the skills she develops to please her Master.... cooking and serving the food that pleases, keeping his home as he wills, crafting things that he desires her to make, dancing for him, singing or playing music for him.... whatever he bids her do... she knows deep in herself that she is a beautiful slave, she is a jewel beyond price. Her Master MAY value her.... or he may sell her.... or cast her aside. While she might miss him, it does nothing to her sense of her value. The jewel is still inside and she thanks her Master for cutting it in such a beautiful shape. She will treasure the slave jewel within and it will shine out of her eyes, captivating all men with the sexuality of the truly submissive female.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rise and shine, slave

Maybe it is in part because I am a morning person but to me there is nothing sweeter than awaking in the furs after a night of well-pleasing my Master in every way he has desired.

The sun creeps in and I immediately am aware of the slack heavy weight of my Master's penis in its state of satisfied repose lying possessively over one of my thighs. I smile and nuzzle closer in to his comfortingly large muscled body and just feel his rod on me and feel very owned, very ruled by this male that has mastered this girl completely and daily schools me more in the ways that will please him.

My pussy is still damp from use and my female lips are reddened and still warmed, slightly stinging with the ferocity with which my Master took me in his need several times over the night. As I stretch myself I notice some delicious aches and pains from the night's thighs have knots from straddling him and servicing him as bidden. Deep in my belly the hard apple of my womb has been bounced so thoroughly by his battering ram that the muscles of my tummy have been stretched in submission to his thorough rummaging in my inner chambers. My hands reach down and soothingly knead the soft mound of my belly and as I feel the tenderness there I moan with a mixture of discomfort and yearning to be filled like this again.

As I turn to begin to rise my heavy breasts are reminded of his firm large hands kneading my tits like dough to be shaped into loaves and schooling my moves to his measure with the pressure and guiding on this convenient handhold. The tips of my breasts lightly graze across the furs and with a start I am reminded of his rough calloused thumbs like sandpaper on my nipples. How helpless I am to resist him when he has a tight pincer grip on these two most sensitive buds of control. All day as my breasts bounce inside my camisk the nipples will be grazed and I will be reminded of his squeezes to my nipples and why they were squeezed... how he showed me what pleased him and what did not... how slow... how fast... when... I am learning to be his perfect slave and I will wear his lessons in my body to remember them better.

Rising to bathe and dress I inspect my body and note with a grin and a blush of pleasure and shame that I still wear the marks of a thrashing on my backside. I am ashamed that I did not please totally but I am proud of my Master's strong hand. His willingness to punish me shows his attention to his Mastery and his will that I never forget my place as his slave. He will not allow me to damage it, to ever really displease him. Hmmm.... I select a camisk deliberately that will show off his marks upon me. I will always proudly wear his lash marks as one who is owned totally and completely by a strong and uncompromising Master.

Washing myself, I take care to bind my hair in a tidy tail for the Master to grab as a handy leash. I make myself beautiful for him and hearing him begin to stir I run quickly back to his feet.

I bow in total obeisance beside his couch, totally Mastered, totally submissive, totally fulfilled in my femaleness. I am owned. I am his.

"Greetings, Master! May this one be allowed to serve the Master? How may I serve?'

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Can a Master rape a slave?

My Master and I have spent some time talking and thinking about this issue because it is deeply offensive to him to think about forcing himself sexually on anyone.

BUT... and this is a huge BUT... the Master/slave relationship cannot entertain any of the "safe words" that are the hallmark of BDSM relationships. A slave needs to feel that her submission is complete. The slave cannot "top from the bottom" as happens in BDSM. Therefore I have told my Master that I submit myself totally to his pleasure, his use and his discipline and therefore nothing he does can be construed as rape in my thinking.

If at somepoint the person behind the character becomes consistently very unhappy within her collar, she can beg release and the Master is not one to enjoy an unhappy slave so I expect he would release me.

However while I wear his collar I cannot function as a slave and ever have any idea that I can say "no" to him about anything ever. There are some issues that are stretching my ability to submit and the Master is taking those items slowly as he doesn't want me to breakdown. I will write more about that in another post.

But one area that I am very confident about is that I do not want to ever be able to withold sex because I am angry or sad about something. I think that placing that restriction on Mastery, robs a Master of one of the most effective tools in his repertoire and really makes Mastery harsher. When a girl is being recalcitrant, disobedient or hysterical often times she really needs to be fucked to remind her that she is the Master's slave, she is female and she is owned. But while she is in a bad mood, she is unlikely to be simmering obediently and worshipfully before his cock. Instead she is standing with hands on hips with her proud little bottom waggiling enticingly but rebelliously as she attempts to make some point about what she wants or is angry about.

This is when a Master will admister a rapid head-clearing spanking and a therapeutic dose of his rod to beat down the doors that his girl is throwing up against his Mastery. It is amazing how difficult it is for a woman to stand on her "principles" or "stick to her guns"... when in fact her legs are apart and her Master is firmly enthroned in her pussy, rummaging her with delicious enjoyment.

There is nothing that makes me angrier than having my arguments responded to with my Master's cock up my business end. There is nothing that I can say back to that argument. And as I buck and twist away from him and he stays firmly in the saddle, it is infuriating to see how much he enjoys my little shows of protest, the fight I give him as he pulls me open to use me.

It is the job of a slave to be sexually used and therefore a kajira cannot elect to shirk her job. The reason that nether shielding is denied a slave is so that the Master's access is never impeded and the slave feels deeply in her womb that the Master's cock is king in this chamber.
The Master's calm and matter-of-fact claiming of what is his in these little spats of disobedience go a long way to teaching a girl her place and educating her to the new realities of her situation within the M/s relationship. Each thrust of the Master's cock is harder and harder for the girl to ignore, shut out of her mind. She can hate the feeling of him inside her for a little while, but sooner or later, her body betrays her. She is pinned under the strength and weight of her Master and he is dominating her in the way she has dreamed of being dominated. Her womb bobs up and down jumping within her belly on the end of his battering ram within her stronghold, beating down the doors of any resistence. She cannot deny for long how arousing it is that he does not need her permission to pound her and her enjoyment is entirely optional. She is welcome to be a participant and enjoy the ride if she wishes, or to stay furious if she chooses, but ridden she will be and she will feel the warm rush of his tide of pleasure within her whether she chooses to milk him with her joyous spasms or not.

A girl will often open more fully and submit more deeply after having been taken while she is angry and resistant. The fact that she is unable to resist the Master and has not herself engaged in any erotic imagination, can lead to surprising openness to the new experience and to her Master's stroke and images. Absolved of responsibility for instigation of the sex, she can discover a new level of abandonment to erotic pleasure. He will leave her flushed and speechless as her anger and outrage is turned to an orgasmic explosion as she realizes how fully the Master's cock dominates her femininity and how helpless she is to do anything other than receive the thorough screwing she is being given. Gasping she falls into his arms, legs trembling and all rebellious thoughts evaporated.

This totally happy outcome is quite common in the M/s dynamic... because she is his slave and has submitted. But in some cases, immediate resolution will not be achieved. The girl may go away angry after being used, but she has still been taught the lesson that she will be used how, when and it what way the Master chooses. It is not for her to choose. Given time, she will not try to withold sexual pleasure as a way to manipulate the Master. Instead she will use more honest communication, bringing her thoughts, fears, worries and laying them at her Master's feet openly and asking for his judgement.

In our relationship, we have not used any of the devices that are available in SL that restrain an avatar in a position to be sexually used but I can see why such a device would be effective. Probably just being put in such a device and contemplating the thought of being used while restrained would go a long way to making a girl understand how pointless acts of rebellion are when one is collared.

Sexual witholding is one of the most powerful (and hurtful) tools in the repertoire of earth women as they seek within the mixed up world of male/female relationships on earth to control men who should be their Masters. It must not be a tool that is allowed to a slave.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Training a girl to wait

My Master used a maddeningly effective training visualization exercise to train me to both stay sexually tuned but to wait on his command.

He brought me to a peak of arousal with his words and then he commanded me to open my legs for him. Parting my petals, he thrust what he described as a large but fragile glass dildo in my pussy. He then put my iron belt on to hold it in place.... and went off to do other stuff humming a little tune. I was to stay in place and describe the feelings, the contour of the dildo inside me. However I could not make the slightest contraction of my pussy or the glass could shatter inside me causing pain and damage.

I felt the smooth curved contour of my Master's toy holding me open, filling me, holding his place like a bookmark. The sensation of penetration made me want to contract desperately but I knew I could not. Over the time that I was left like this (30 to 60 minutes) I went from curiousity, to annoyance, to intense arrousal, and finally to that state of perfect submission and openess. I was open and ready for my Master, but I had learned obedience and control of my feminine muscles.

From that point on, he could ask me to halt and stay in the middle of his sexual use of me and I was able to obey and adopt the mental and sexual attitude of readiness and openess, awaiting his lead always.

Initially I didn't understand what the Master was trying to achieve with this training and maybe it was important that I figure it out by myself. But it certainly led me to a different attitude and dynamic within the cybersex. I had been very much feeling that I had to instigate, contribute all the time. This trained me to receptivity.

Mastering Yourself

It is often stated that before a Master can master anyone, he must first master himself. I find that most Masters have heard this and will nod their heads at the wisdom contained in that sentiment. However, I don't think all have actually understood why this is so and what it means in practice.

If you want to have a slave who will make you proud, please you and bring you quivering obedience, you indeed need to be Master of your own desires, fears and emotions.

You must be in control of your fears because if you often betray fear losing your slave, you cannot Master her.

You must be in control of your lust because she must be kept in heat and begging your cock in order for you to Master her, and through your masterful control during furring you must be able to--when YOU choose-- give her such prolonged and satisfying pleasure that she will know that she can never replace what you give her.

You must be in control of your heart because if your slave can control you with her tears and fears, you will cease to be the Master and she really will not thank you for that.

You must be in control of your anger because discipline of your slave must be methodical and fitting or you will risk breaking her or losing her.

You must have a plan of what you hope to achieve with your slave today, tomorrow, ultimately, and work to that plan incrementally and relentlessly. Your plan may change over time but it will be a conscious plan that you lay out and master.

And lastly you must be enough a Master of yourself to occasionally show your fears, your heart, your lust, your doubts, that she may know that they exist, and then show her that you are master of all of what you feel. No slave will give her soul and heart to a machine so she must know the man that you have Mastered.

And you thought it was all fun and furring!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Circle of Light, Circle of Iron

This was an attempt to write a kajira poem in strict Italian sonnet form. Thinks I am more a free verse person

Steps into a circle of bright-lit sand
A silver clad dancer with up- raised hands
Captured doves in cruel iron bands
Bright eyes flashing from her veil of lashes
Shackled foot tapping to cymbal clashes
Shyly she meets the eyes of her Master
He smiles, and her heart beats ever faster
She is the moon that he holds in his hand

Captured in orbit, her course is set
To ever circle his dark planet’s mass
Pulled by his tides and his passions met
She dances her worship at every pass
His brand on her body, her soul in his net
Secured by iron from thought of trespass

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Virtually His

There is a quality to the Second Life experience that is hard to convey to anyone who has not been involved in virtual reality for some time.

When I first came into Second Life, I saw the avatar on screen as a little cartoon figure that I was manipulating around (very awkwardly). With time the movements became second nature, rather like learning to drive a car and when my avatar would fall or bump herself I would cringe. If someone threatened me, came up to me when I was alone at night in my virtual house, I was creeped out. This was the beginning of being "avatarized".

After about a year or more of being in Second Life, I discovered that really while I was inworld in my avatar I was a different person. The friends and experiences that I had been having in Second Life were different than my real life experiences, people reacted to me differently on the basis of how I was presenting myself in Second Life, so really I had a slightly different personality. I was beginning to split into my SL self and RL self.

This is a process that is very familiar to those that successfully make the adjustment to virtual reality.

Virtual reality affords us with opportunities to explore aspects of self that we may not be able to explore in real life or may not yet be ready to explore in real life. It can augment activities that an individual is already pursuing, such as artists and musicians who enjoy bringing their art into virtual reality or be a way of exploring a total fantasy realm by being a dragon or a mermaid.

Just like Middle Earth, Gor is not a real place, but in Second Life, real people are using the recreation of Gorean societies to explore some real themes of male and female sexual roles. Because the line between reality and fantasy is less clear than playing at being a dragon or an elf, questions frequently arise in discussion and between individuals about how real the activity is, how real relationships are.

To some, the whole idea of sex with pixels is silly. But of course sex, love, dominance, submission, all primarily happen in the brain. When two people who are able to be fully present in virtual reality and are skilled communicators roleplay together they can connect in ways as powerful, or even more powerful than in reality. I feel the power of my Master's male principle dominating me. I feel his lust, love and his displeasure with a physical response in my being. When he touches me, I feel the touch. When he commands me to a position my muscles twitch and when he takes me sexually I feel it and respond.

It is important when entering into a relationship in SL as a Gorean roleplayer that you are clear in your own mind as to the extent of the relationship you can/will agree to because a lot of the misery that people go through is because of differences in expectations. If you really hope to meet someone in your area of the globe with whom you might have a lifestyle M/s relationship with, you really should not be wasting your time with someone for whom Gor is only a game that is a fraction of their time and interest in Second Life and no part of their RL plans.

For me the experience of roleplaying as a kajira in Second Life is valuable to me on its own. I don't necessarily need anything else. Why mess up a perfectly good virtual life with messy RL? But particularly to those new to Second Life, this seems an odd concept. One can only say, "give it time"!

There is no right or wrong here, but finding a good match between Master and slave can take time. Sometimes the whole idea of Dominance or submission is so exciting to the person new to the roleplay that they go into some sort of frenzy of need to collar or be collared and they make totally unsuitable choices based on a few sexy flirtatious lines, a forum post, an erotic dance. If there is any argument for the power of virtual reality, it is the evidence of how many Masters make decisions about collaring girls led by their dicks rather than any thought of how things are going to work--in what way the girl's skills, language, time availabilities, age, location, interest in rl relationships--are a match to his own preferences.

Fun within an M/s relationship

The photo above is of my Master trying out a new swimming HUD. I am surfacing from below and caught him reflected in the waves... Yes he did eventually take his stuff off...sorry girls I didn't take any snaps.

One of the payoffs of the mature, secure M/s relationship is the ability to relax and have fun together sometimes. For the dominant man, it is often a worry to appear undignified, silly, goofy and just play with a girl. He fears losing respect and control. However, when that respect is absolute, his power and Mastery over her is as complete as possible, that fear ceases to exist.

He tells his girl he feels in a playful mood and she claps her hands in delight at the prospect of a light-hearted day. They can play together like innocent children, free of any need to posture in front of each other because all of that pretense has nothing to do with them. He knows he is in control and so does she. And so the play is free, satisfying, and completely fun!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Gagging for it

Sometimes women don't know when shutting up is good for them. That is why they need Masters who can effect a simple attitude adjustment. The Master doesn't need to shout, explain, argue, or get upset. He just gets the gag and waits for her to simmer down. He has little to do but watch his girl go from surprise to anger, to worry, contrition, and finally back to her simmering realization of his which point he can safely uncork her mouth and expect more sweetness.

Do slaves think of position?

In Laura there was/is a rule that city slaves greet members of the council each day with the full karta/obeisance gesture and it was recommended that all slaves greet their Master each day with this gesture. It is the very gesture of head down tail up that animals give to signal submission. I find I like this habit to remind me of my submission. While the Master might choose to dispense with it in future or on any particular occasion, it is a small gesture that helps maintain what is at the core of what I am to him.

I can tell you also that I feel more ready for punishment and more truly punished when the punishment is received in the submissive position--or I should say that only then does the punishment have a sexual dominance context to me.

The whipping cross or post may be tied in my mind with male slaves through movie imagery or something. Don't know. It is effective punishment, but it is less intimate, less male/female, than being punished bent over a knee or a chair, or bench like a child. It felt entirely correct for my Master to whip my alt severely to break her in... and she may need that again... I'm not sure. To me the whipping post or cross is for breaking slaves, initiating them and for serious crimes. It is not sexual in nature. It is a truly harsh punishment.

At other times the misdeamenours of slaves are like the failings of children, the Master flogs or spanks his girl not to break her spirit, but to reinforce his will, help her remember the lesson, and to keep her butt always remembering who her Master is in a way that will assure that she moves quickly and obediently and.... yes... smiles... also that she bobs smartly on his cock. There is really nothing like the feeling of the Master's balls bouncing on my recently warmed butt to excite me and I would imagine that there is nothing that says "mine" like having his balls slapping against the warm red heat of a bottom he has recently chastised.

I expect to be swatted often and really to never be without the marks of a recent hand slap or welts of a switching. They are proud witnesses of the sternness of the Master. I ame kept on the edge by the occcasional unpredictable outburst of the Master in which I get in trouble for nothing.

Thinking about position again...

I found it disturbing the first few times theMaster asked me to stand in his presence, (apart from dancing or serving him) . There is a reason why slaves are in nadu most of the time. There are times that it makes IC sense for me to be standing but I think it is very important that the Master to signal permission for that and that IC I would share how weird it feels... because it does!! When we were in the woods roleplaying hunting one time when my Master had a roleplay involving Panthers, he had to remind me to stand a couple of times and that was so very in character that muse would forget and sink into nadu naturally. Kneeling in the presence of her Master SHOULD be natural to her... and it is!

Another lesson from the natural world is about how the handling of animals gentles them. One clips the flight feathers of birds and handles them daily to gentle them. One cages a horse and lays hands on it often to gentle it, to teach it that the touch of the Master is unavoidable and proper.

And so it reinforces Mastery in my mind he touches me often. And when I am not in a mood receptive to Mastery, I am very jumpy about touch. Sometimes when we are having an ooc talk and he suddenly emotes something like, "he reaches out and strokes her thigh".... I will literally tense up in RL... because I am not in the submissive frame of mind...BUT... it is therefore important re-inforcement to do so. When I sense that reaction, I realize I have to school myself to be in a receptive and obedient frame of mind and body. If things seem a little off the rails in an ooc chat, nothing works better to get me back in the zone than taking one of my breasts in his hands (my nipples are like the remote controls for my clit), booting my knees further apart (love that gesture), or checking out the state of my heat with his hand. Reminding me that the Master will touch me how he wants, when he wants, reminds me of my place. The more often I feel his hands on me in every way, the more I feel owned. And there are occasions where it does us both good when he asserts his Mastery in this way when others are around. I am not embarassed, instead it is affirming.

My reflex position in RL when sitting across from a man is to cross my legs and shield my breasts in some way... folded arms...briefcase on lap... clipboard, notebook... I hide. So opening my legs in a way that consciously reveals my vagina to my Master and arching my back to display my breasts...having bared breasts or partially bared breasts makes me feel owned. I think I have to do more to talk that up in character to keep myself on the edge... and anything he does to remind me of my position of display, to insist that I must always be in a position of display, will help me maintain myself in a state of being ready to please/serve.

Master says, "good girl, open wide and say 'ahhhh'"

Enough serious talk!

I'd rather think about giving my Master pleasure and when I think of pleasuring him, one of the first thing that comes to this slave's mind is how I pleasure him on my knees with my mouth.

Nothing says Mastery more clearly than a summons to oral pleasure. The Master is at work, or in conversation. He has no time or interest in the furs, yet he just feels a certain itch that needs attention. Spying his girl handy, he snaps his fingers and gives her a signal that sends her scurrying to his service moistening her lips as she runs immediately to kneel at his feet.

I don't think that there is a more definitive act for the female slave than performing a blowjob and so it needs to be done well. Masters need to spend time insisting it be done well. Its usual posture is with the female on her knees and the male ascendant. So every man getting a blowjob is a Master for that time, and any woman giving a blowjob is acting as slave.

It excites the slave in the female that there is no reason for the male to be unclothed, or even to stop doing what he might be doing, reading, writing, conversing, eating, for him to be sexually serviced by a woman's mouth. Any woman who feels that sex is an equal affair is disabused of this idea after spending some time on her knees servicing the cock of a Master who pays her no more attention than if she were shining his shoes. It is a good attitude adjuster.

I would suggest to any Master burdened with a princess kajira who expects a lot of effort from him in the furs that he demand long and thorough servicing from the girl in this fashion while he remains engrossed in other more important matters.

The male organ is symbolic of male power, so when the woman kneels before the cock, she is kneeling to the man. When she takes the cock into her mouth, she is silenced. It is highly symbolic of the fact that she has no voice that is not ruled by her Master. Finally a woman is not pleasured herself by a blowjob. The space between her legs is neglected and relegated to unimportance. No wonder most Free Women and earth women don't like giving blowjobs. But the thought of giving my Master a blowjob makes this girl very eager to please as she is a natural slave and loves to please her Master.

It is the slave's job to bring the Master to erection, not his job to have an erection. The thought of my Master's cock at rest is always a delight to me in its possibilities or also in its satisfied rest with its slack weight heavy against me in what surely must be the most possessive of gestures of the male over the female.

In meeting the Master's cock at face level I usually playfully nuzzle him first, feeling his cock against my cheek, butting against my nose, sweeping my feathery hair teasingly across him, sniffing in his delicious musk with pleasure, before extending my tongue for the first taste. The smell and taste of the Master's cock is delicious to me and fills me with tender love as well as provoking the subservient response. Instinctively my back arches in expectation of being mounted when I sniff him... but such is not to be this time, so my tail end waggles in frustration, even primal indignant fury, while blowing him. The cute bobbing of my backside amuses the Master. But such is his control that I sublimate my desires and attend to him as commanded. Too much writhing about in attempted self-pleasure will merit a choking tug on my leash.

I would begin to arouse the Master first with gentle flicks of my tongue at the front of his tip, followed by tracing his manly length with my slowly lolling tongue. Depending upon position I would also use my tits, cradling his cock between them and shimmying my tits against his not yet erect cock for his pleasure, teasing him to erection. The only response I expect is the one in front of my nose and in my mouth.

When he is fully erect I show my love and devotion first by giving his member the sweetest and most thorough of kissing along it's length from the hilt to the tip... licking and kissing my way up to the tip to where I would now open my soft mouth to receive him, delicately and reverentially like a sacrament. Indeed nothing that enters a slaves mouth is more sacred to her than her Master's rod. She feels honoured to take his maleness on her humble slave lips.

The Master feels me maddeningly teasing him with my tongue as his rod first slides into my mouth. I am adept at flicking that sensitive spot at the front of and just below his tip, swirling my tongue around the fullness of his tip and extending my long tongue backwards down the length of his shaft and then curling it up. I make a game of trying to distract him from his work or conversation, .... but he is a Master.... and I am but his slave providing a menial body service that he commands and expects from time to time.

The Master typically controls my actions with a hand in my hair, a hand on my collar or a yank of my leash of course. I open my throat to be penetrated by the full length of his cock at his peasure, while stroking and fondling my Master's balls and the hilt of his rod. This penetration is not physically pleasurable, even causing discomfort, what is pleasurable is the sensation of being Mastered, forced to take his length in my mouth.

I have been known to use my mouth in ways that displease my Master. Therefore I spend a lot of time with his cock in my mouth, so I have had a lot of opportunity to reflect on these matters. It is his favorite method to shut me up. There is no sweeter gag for a girl who uses her tongue as a weapon but longs for a man strong enough to silence her. It is a training for such a one. When she thinks of shrewish speech, she will associate words with the denial of words through her Master's hard cock in her mouth. It will remind her of what she can say and can't say in a clearer association than any whip. Her mouth is for the Master's pleasure, so only sweet words can find space there. When I start to say words that my Master has found tiresome.... I taste him in my mouth... and remember who my Master is and what I have been taught.

Periodically the Master will crave more attention from my tongue and release his control of my head to allow me to explore his length at will with tongue flicks and kisses and firm sucking of his knob. I will cradle his balls like the treasures they are, finding that sensitive spot at the root, behind the balls that enhances pleasure when gentlely kneaded during orgasm, I make sure I have a finger well-positioned for that exquisite caress. Meanwhile between my own legs I would feel a passion mounting in vain as my empty, hungry pussy bobs up and down, moist and exposed but unimportant. Drats!! I will be left unsatisfied but I must use my arousal to fuel my devotion only. The wise Master keeps his girl simmering and hungry for him.

Just when I think I can not accommodate more in what is a very small rosebud of a mouth, the Master will grow in width and length signalling to me that he soon will deposit his load. I must be responsive to his desires, to swallow his semen quickly, deftly and without fuss, or to run my tongue along his length on his withdrawal if he choses to spray his slave's face and breasts with his wad. Whatever his choice I will feel his explosion with joy, despite no release for myself, taking care to caress his hilt or his legs and buttocks as permitted to show my love and appreciation for being allowed to serve him in this way. When the Master chooses to release on my face, the girl smiles radiantly and turns her face upwards and moves from side to side that she might wear her Master's showering blessing fully over her face, from forehead to cheeks to chin, all adorned with his precious pearls.

She will then lick the Master's cock clean, dry him delicately with her hair and re-do his lacings for him. She will await his hand signal to wave her away. If she has done well, she may warrant a pat on the head or even a brief smile to acknowledge her existence and that he was pleased. Dismissed she will scamper off with her Master's cum proudly worn like war paint. She will taste him for some time to come and she will long for his rod to pound her in the place of her longing.

Feminism and Female Submission

Sharing some thoughts that I had on International Women's Day:

My Master and I participate together in a general discussion forum .... where we first met, pre-SL, before either of us heard the word "Gor".

When we first posted about our M/s relationship, a lively, funny, liberal woman on the forum said, "And I campaigned for years for women's rights so you could do THIS?"

To which my answer is a rather loud "Yes".

For me personally it would likely be impossible for me to explore my nature as a submissive if not for the political and economic securities that have been won by feminists (like myself!) over the years. It would also be impossible for me to even begin to discuss my nature if there were not an atmosphere of tolerance that had been forged by progressives.

Despite the tolerance that we have won for various alternative lifestyles, the Master/slave lifestyle remains the victim of prejudice and fear.

Consider the fact that in the public areas of a Second Life community where my Master has his non-Gorean home, Skybeam Estates, kajira are forbidden to kneel according to community rules. Everyone else in the community is free to sit in any fashion they please but anyone with a collar around their neck and asserting a slave relationship is uniquely restricted and forced to maintain a standing or conventional sitting position.... a restriction on our lifestyle practice.

Imagine for one minute if the community placed a restriction on gay men holding hands. Would that not cause a huge public out-cry in the larger Second Life community? So why does restrictions on slaves kneeling not do so? I believe it is because those who wrote and support the ban on kneeling believe that I (and my sisters) will welcome "freedom" from kneeling and that they are doing us some service. They are not.

From the beginning of my collaring, my Master has had some concern that I might be hurt or shocked by the aggressiveness or crudity of some Gorean roleplayers. As of this date, that has never happened to me. But I was shocked one time by the agressiveness and crudity that some non-Goreans showed towards my Master and myself when we were simply shopping together and he had me on the leash (it helps to stay together in crowds). He was mocked in a way that made me cry (in RL) and women who said that they were feminists kicked me, spat at me and called me names.

John Norman, the author of the Gor novels was a psychologist in his professional life and he was convinced that all women are submissive by their genetic make up. I don't know whether he is right or not about this. I suspect he is wrong. Most science shows that sexual attitudes and identity exist along a continuum from homosexual to heterosexual orientation and I suspect that the same is true for dominance and submission.

Like homosexuality, dominance and submission exists in the animal world. Anyone who watches nature films has seen the dance of dominant males, the growling display of dominance, the bite on the neck of the female holding her down for the dominant male to sexually use her.

I only know that my sexual nature is like that. I need the dominant display of the male. I need to be wrestled to my knees and I need to feel the strong hand holding me to his sexual will. Otherwise... I am doomed to frigidity.

We used to think we could re-train homosexuals, that their orientation was an illness. Enlightened people have given up that idea. Is it not time that we gave up the same idea about M/s couples?

We used to fear that homosexuals were all interested in seducing young kids and equated their practices with some horrific abuses in the world. By the same token I have spoken to people who cite criminal activities involving the imprisonment, rape, subjugation and sexual slavery of girls around the world and who equate loving M/s relationships as being in some way similar, or encouraging or condoning these terrible practices. This is just simple prejudice and ignorance.

Let me be clear though that this doesn't mean my submission is playacting or not real. Once I have been Mastered, I submit to the will of the Master. There are no "safewords" to escape punishment or restrictions. And that will be the nature of the relationship as long as it continues to be one that works for him. But that is a choice I make based on my nature. Because I am a submissive woman I both crave to please him and crave to feel his Mastery over me, aroused by the kiss of his whip and even the possibility it will be used if I displease.

It is a choice made possible by political and economic freedoms. I am a feminist, a submissive and my Master's devoted slave.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Running towards the Master and not away

Most of the time my Master and I enjoy a relationship that is harmonious and joyous. I worship him and desire his male dominance with simmering sexuality and loving tender respectful regard. He returns affection and a protective attitude.

One of the rocky bits we have navigated occurred when the Master asked me to voice an opinion on an important issue. He was considering taking another girl on his chain. I was not emotionally prepared for this challenge (and am not sure I ever will be) and my Master and I had different views of the girl in question. The story doesn't really matter here. It was a painful time.

I was torn. I did not want to share my Master with this girl. But... and this was a HUGE issue for me.... I did not want to top my Master from the bottom by influencing his decision.

He demanded to know my thoughts and feelings so I told him that I would be hurt and miserable and really didn't know if I'd be able to handle it. He then decided not to collar the girl. However things he said and his actions in continuing to interact with the girl OOC made me feel that he was making a decision influenced by me.

I was torn in two. Now I realize that it IS possible for the Master to make a difficult decision that he might not like, without that decision being manipulated by me. He had taken my thoughts into account and decided the time was not right in my training to throw this challenge at me. He could have done so but it would have either broken my spirit or lost him his slave. Another time, another slave, he might not have cared. But he made his choice. He was grumpy about it and he did not need my blathering on about it, yet blather I did.

As my unhappiness grew and really my distrust in his decision, I thought that I had the power to reverse his decision, and that this is what I should do either by stretching my thinking to "allow" him to collar the girl or by running away so he could collar the girl ... the fact that he was grumpy and still seeing the girl convinced me he wanted her a lot.

Looking back I can see how totally screwed up my thinking was on this. The Master had made a decision. If he changed his mind and decided to collar the girl at a later date... he didn't need my change of heart to "allow" him to do it. The fact that he was continuing to see the girl did not indicate he still wanted to collar her necessarily... again all this muddy thinking was predicated on my belief that I had the kind of female power associated with an equal relationship.

I had a decision from my Master.... yet I continued to live in a constant state of worry... would he change his mind tomorrow? Should I act in some way?

Finally a terrible moment came when I visited the new beautiful home that my Master had recently purchased and I found him together with the girl in the same place we had recently shared. I was devastated! I felt, "that's it, he wants her".... and I cut my collar and ran from him for the only time in our relationship.

We both had a full 24 hours of HELL before we could talk to each other about it.

Master was furious with me for not accepting that his decision was his own and trusting that if he was acting in some way that affected me that he'd tell me with honesty and directness as befits a Gorean man of honour.

For my part I had been confused and hurt and still ruled by insecurities and fears.... so I ran away.

When my Master came to understand my heart, he knew I needed to learn something but it wasn't something that he could teach me via simple punishment.

Instead he led me through a powerful roleplay.

Master: The girl knew she was.... Completely, totally and utterly mine.... frowns... and she ran from me

Girl: She was frightened

Master: The place to be when frightened is at his feet. In the circle of his sword

Girl: She is prepared to be punished... and it may be needed

Master: I have been giving thought to this as I was deeply displeased

Girl: Understands. ... and is ready

Master: Frowning deeply his face hardens...

Girl: Would rather bear 20 lashes than a moment of distance from her Master
Girl: yet her female parts contract as she senses that punishment will indeed be administered and it will not be easy or light. She is ready for whatever her Master thinks is necessary to restore balance. Indeed eager ... sort of

Master: Grabs the girl and pulls her up by the hair. "Follow me, girl".

Girl: yes Master

The Master runs quickly across the night landscape of their island home. The girl runs to follow.

Girl: She wonders what he is doing...

The Master stops suddenly by a post at the end of a wave lashed remote rocky point of the island.... grabs the girl's hands and ties her to the post. She cannot see him as he walks away.

Girl : I want you to truly punish me and I want to truly feel it. I need it and you need it

Time passes

Gile: She cries.. awaiting punishment and yet bereft of it... alone and isolated

Girl (OOC): hmmm... well ... interesting... I guess to me this puts me back where I was in the poofing and just writing off SL plan

Time passes... still no response

Girl (OOC): Am I missing something? Why should I not just poof.

Master (OOC) : You will not poof. You may go if Rl makes it so other wise, you will hang on that post until I take you down. If Rl pulls you away, you may go but when you come back, you will return to that post

Time passes.

Girl: I am reflecting and if I can find a wrongness in what I did it is in worrying that your own judgement might not be equal to discerning that (X girl) does not care for you, in fact finds you beneath her... and so she felt assured you would be honoured to take her on your chain... when she vyed for you publicly and was not successful, her anger grew and she was determined to have revenge by triumphing over me.
Girl: And so she threatened me and still pursued you and yet you saw her as friend and injured party

Master: She is not here now and it is my intent to keep it that way. It is far too disruptive having her around so it is my will that she not be. Had I not said so? Did you not heed me?
You are my slave, no one else

Girl: Yet I would you know that she was not worthy or loving of you

Master: I decide who is worthy. I judge. You are within the bubble of my claim, care and love. I will have it no other way

Girl: and it was my own love of you that I could not really tell you that

Master: We could have worked all this out the same day you ran
Master: It is my will that you run to me, not away from me.

Girl: gulps... yes Master... this one runs to hide in a cave and cry... such is her experience

Master: We will change that.. You are MIne now

Girl: Master, this one will willingly serve you and your friend X if such is your will. I trust your judgement.

Master: If you run from the circle of my sword, you hurt us both. I am not concerned with the girl X. This is about us.

Master: A tear runs down his cheek, as he works, he deeply misses his girl

Girl: I am concerned that I worried about the Master's judgement about one I saw as dangerous. She weeps on the post knowing that her only fear was that there was a woman that would use the Master for her own goals and then mock him.

Master: looks about..... there is only you and I here now. I want you in my arms, I want to hold you and stroke your hair, I want to feel your body on mine and I can have none of it
Master: more tears run down his face

Girl: The girl struggles on the post unable to bear the pain of hearing her Master cry. "Master, forgive me.. this girl regrets her transgression" She begs to be schooled by the Master. She is new to his desires and how to please him

Master : thinks she is learning an important lesson at this very moment

Girl: She is jealous and fearful at times. She is willing to be schooled by the Master in this way

Master: I give her no other choice

Girl: Indeed you could have fed me to the sleen

Master: I would have been deeply hurt by the loss
Master: If you did not have value to me, you would not wear my collar now

Girl: When I came into our bright dream and found my bitterest enemy here with you, It stabbed me through my heart

Master: You should have run to me. You are mine and I will do what I can for you. When you run, you leave us both helpless

Girl: I only want you to be well and happy and safe

Master: Through communication, we gain insight and can make changes with the understanding that comes from the knowing of the others mind

Girl:... but I will not relent from saying that girl does not love or like you... she is just trying to win some stupid contest. She threatens me to try to make me back off.

Master: She has lost and is not here... do you not see?

Girl: I never entered into a contest. It was all her imaging

Master: I closed the contest quite some time ago

Girl: Yet I worried for you and for us

Master: She has gained nothing buy what she has done

Girl : Because she saw you as a pawn for her manipulation, and I saw you as my King

Master: We on the other hand shall come out of this stronger, wiser and ever more dedicated to each other
Girl: She was contemptuous of my love for you in one moment, and vying for you in the next
How should I not be angry and upset with her for that?

Master: Who hangs on her Masters post this day? .... and who walks in places unknown?

Girl : Your home, your hand, your body, your will.... is sacred to me

Master: Who have I claimed as My own?

Girl: this girl

Master: Who lives within the circle of my sword?

Girl: this girl

Master: Who is my choosen girl?

Girl: this girl

Girl: Thank you, Master for your wisdom

Master: Come to me

He took me down from the post and into his arms.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Restoring the balance

Why do I think that women (or at least this one) sometimes needs a strong hand on her? Well disagreements happen, no matter how much she might be trying and how much love exists on both sides. And she is going to fail to please in some way or other. Sometimes it will be hard for her to admit that she is wrong or has made a mistake. I know I sometimes find things unjust and can't accept that it is not my place to judge what is fair. But someone has to be the boss in a relationship and it just causes a lot of trouble if the woman doesn't readily accept her Master's judgement and feels she can question. And sometimes the Master who has let something past with a warning other times, will finally feel that the time has come to curb an undesirable behaviour. If there isn't a stern punishment she may not understand it is important, and clearly the gentle reprimands have not yielded results. Better to make it clear this must stop than mar or end the relationship.

In most male/female relationships issues will go on and on, with each blaming the other, feeling hard done by and hearts hardening. It is all such a waste of energy and time. If a man is angry with his woman, he should be able to express that anger directly in the way that men dominate women. It can be a sudden turning over the knee, or a cold warning to go and wait for him as he intends to punish her so be ready in the appropriate position (however the Master determines is the best way to punish her. -- I actually think that a place and position for punishment help memory of punishment. Just assuming the position brings back all the other times of punishments and a review of the behaviour that has her here naked and displayed for beating-- and waiting. Being sent to a special room where punishment is meted out again causes the girl to review past misbehaviour and to understand where a pattern of misbehaviour needs to be mended. Why am I here again?

Alternatively, for me, being suddenly turned over the knee and spanked in the middle of an argument or after a slip of some sort, brings me up short, shuts me up and restores balance... but it isn't really strong punishment... it is just a reminder... sometimes it can end in laughter by both, although sometimes it can be more than expected by either when it is needed. And a firm hand on a bare bottom says to a woman, "if you behave like a child, I will treat you like a child" and that is humbling in itself and usually results in more mature decorum in future.

While a spanking can be a bit mingled with fun, when it is serious it is something that makes me cold and quiverey... and the waiting is about the worst. While I have very occasionally been whipped or switched, I feel that the sexiest, the most intimate punishment tool, (apart from a bare hand) is the Master's belt. (other devices can seem contrived or distancing.) The sound of the unbuckling and removing is associated with something very different but the woman who needs to be taught a lesson knows it will not be pleasure that is coming. There is a feeling between her legs as she hears the belt removed like a dog tucking in it's tail. She submits to be chastised as she is his slave.

When is enough enough? Punishment ends for one of three reasons. The Master has inflicted enough punishment that he feels done with the anger. With each stroke he has verbally made his displeasure known. The pain is associated with the lesson needing to be learned. Satisfied with his work the Master is ready to forgive and take her into his arms again. He feels the punishment is enough. (But the wise Master does not do this until there are humble apologies, acknowledgement of wrongdoing, acceptance of punishment.) Or, the woman's sincere tears and humble begging of forgiveness touch his heart and the Master chooses to let her off lightly as she seems truly sorry. His heart is touched by her contrition. It is well to give a couple of lashes after the apology as it will sear it into memory for her by taking her just a hair beyond her breaking point. Afterall she has made the Master go to the work of punishing her, an irritating disruption in his day.

The last reason for ending punishment, I think would be the rarest: this is the case where the punishment will be damaging if continued but the Master is still angry, the girl unrepentent, or not repentent enough. Both acknowledge that the matter isn't settled and there will have to be continued work to get the girl to accept that she has been wrong. She will be caged or chained to prevent running or any harm. Her punishment will be continued in another form and she will not know love or comfort until she is ready to seek forgiveness.

But most of the time when all is otherwise well in the relationship, a punishment clears the air quickly and whatever confused feelings in the woman become simplified and focused into pleasing. She is reassured that she cannot win power and that judgements are clear, rules are clear...etc. She may become very aroused as a side effect of the adrenalin rush from pain. The Master is no longer angry, the slave is relieved of guilt/shame because she has been punished and both feel restored as Master/slave. It can be a time of deep bonding. Often the Master's words are a surprise to the girl... only the act of punishment allows him to pour out his sadness and disappointment at her behaviour. She is ashamed of causing him the pain and grateful to learn the specifics of her fault. If the punishment session has been intense, the slave might need some time to bathe and prepare to pleasure her Master though...for the effects to wear off, be integrated. You don't want her still dazed. Let her bathe and come to you later. Take her in your arms and caress the places where you have reminded her that you will not allow her to get the upper hand. Drawing these contrasts between caresses, sexual pleasure and punishment deepens her sense of you as Master. It is quite unlike BDSM which confuses the two, (something I am just understanding.)

Friday, March 6, 2009

What makes a Master?

There is a debate on the gorean forums right now about whether Gorean men are Masters just by virtue of being men.

By the rules of Gor, a kajira must show respect for all FM as Masters. It has been this girls experience that most who RP as Masters hope to achieve more than the outward respect of women. They truly want to have the impact that has all women in the vicinity a little nervous, a little aroused and feeling the instinctual submissive attitude of bowed head to his boots.

In SL, anyone can be beautiful or handsome so how we make our avatar is more a reflection of what we see as beautiful, what we wish to convey about our character. A Master, to me is strong, masculine, not pretty. When I look at the avatar my Master has chosen, I can feel the weight of his lash and feel the safety within the circle of his sword. He looks solid, the rock upon which I can choose to serve as my anchor in life or to dash myself in little bits if I run at him with defiance.

SL Gor is more about words than anything else. The beauty and grace of a Master's words take away the breath of a girl and causes her to try to match his pace with soaring words of beauty and love to pleasure him. The descriptive bite of a Master's displeasure when articulated will likewise be felt by a girl in a physical sense. It is truly difficult to respond to a Master who writes poorly, or worse yet uses online abbreviations like lol, ic, thanku, etc. This kajira wants to say, "Are you 12 years old????" And again, it is my duty to be correct and respectful no matter what drivel is being typed by a Master... but drivel will not make a kajira hum with desire and respect.

The self-mastery that a Master demonstrates on longer acquaintance is truly the thing that will have girls begging his collar and hoping to never be released. A Master that is slow to anger but not to be dissuaded from doing what he wills and goes about methodically with his plans wins respect from all. Kajiris are very skilled at manipulating weaker Masters from their knees. The self-controlled Master who can smile and enjoy the girl's little efforts at influencing him, and then do as he thinks best makes his girl feel very secure. He may lose a princess kajira, but did he want her?

A Master that takes the training of his girl seriously, demanding the best from her, gives the girl what she most needs from him, the firm hand that will make her develop those things which will pleasure him and unlock more of her inner chambers to his Mastery. This is rewarding for her as it contributes to her security within the bubble of his protection and affection. Training can be assigned readings, practice of skills, attending classes, completing tasks of reflection and writing on areas where growth is needed. Training can also involve rewards, punishment or restrictions as the training progresses and as the girl needs. A Master who is content to only fur with his girl is going to quickly bore her as she is not developing new insights, skills or feeling her submission being deepened by him daily. If the Master is not forcing all her barred doors, rebellion will be growing in her locked places.

A Master is one who has other interests than his kajira. She cannot take a Master seriously who makes her the focus of his life and work. She is a jewel to be polished by him and to adorn his home and boots. She shines for him the more brightly in her pride at his accomplishments as Warrior, Scribe, Merchant or Artisan. Beyond roleplay, a Master who has his strong interests and passions in his work, studies, sports, self-development inspires submission from the woman at his feet. She falls to her knees more swiftly and naturally when the Masters speak of deep things of their knowledge and learning. She finds it hard not to fall backwards in the grass giggling when instead the conversation is superficial and juvenile. The dignity and knowledge of the Master is held in awe by a kajira. His important affairs which are none of her business are a part of why her worship of him comes naturally to her.

The honour of Gorean men is something that is lost on some playing the role of Masters in SL Gor. When I see a Gorean Master act nobly and honourably towards my Master as his comrade, I naturally want to serve that Master and so do all women want to serve men of their word, men of honour.

All of things that bring men the respect of other men, bring submissive women to their knees. Submissive women are not weak women, they are women who have a natural response to the presence of dominance, of male leadership.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mastering the slave within

It is one thing to have sexual obedience from a slave's body and another thing to Master her intimate sexual responses. Once she knows she has no choice, she will pretend to be Mastered by you, going through the motions of sexual compliance, but holding back that which should be the Master's, the full enjoyment of her quivering pleasure at his touch...and without that she will not be fully and totally owned...just the shell will be possessed.

An experienced, crafty Master like mine will know when she is faking. And I hasten to add that deep within her she longs for that Mastery, dreams of it, moans for it when the Master is not there but, in his presence she is terrified of it and so she rebels.... or makes a pretense of it.

It is a true thing that it is easier for a woman to ignore/tune out a man's pounding cock than a still cock inside her. Norman actually gets this right in a scene in Book 11 that I am reading now. I don't know why it is so, perhaps it is that with motion each sensation is fleeting and so is not fully realized and savoured.

Therefore in thinking about how a Master would need to deal with a girl like my alt who had come to the level of physical obedience but was still witholding responding to the Master in proper natural womanly surrender ... because that really is what frigidity is all about ... for me anyway... I imagine the following scene.

The Master summons her as he has summoned her many times before and gives a peremptory hand gesture that sends her to the furs to pleasure him. Obediently she goes to the furs and opens to him. He parts her lips and thrusts his cock hard inside up to the hilt causing a little "ooomph" to escape her, somewhat involuntary is that response from a quick hard entry by a large hard cock as the womb suddenly is lifted to collide with the diaphram which then causes a sudden gasp of breath. I don't think it can be faked and it truly is a delicious feeling. She wraps her long legs around his back as he likes and begins to contract and buck as schooled... when the unexpected happens...

The Master pulls her on top of him and then gives the hand gesture for "stay". (I find the idea of being controlled by hand gestures very sexy and appropriate in the M/s relationship) She is commanded to be motionless while kneeling on top of him, her knees on either side and his cock buried in her up to the hilt. With one hand he reaches up and grabs her collar pulling her head backwards arching her back, her breasts bobbing into an attitude of display.

The Master says, "now you truly know what it is to be in nadu. I want you to stay like this for awhile and think about this as your nadu from now on, the attitude of respect and ownership you owe your Master. Truly each time you assume this position you must feel what you will feel now. Why are the knees wide and your bud exposed but to remind you that you are owned. It is not enough to sit in nadu, you must always feel he who owns you at your core. You must always feel my rod within you" With one hand still on her collar holding her in position, the Master would take his other hand and begin to enjoy her breasts, if she resisted, he would command her to the bracelets position, hands behind back.

It is a physical fact that women's breasts are linked to their wombs and it is difficult for any woman to resist sexual arousal when she cannot deflect the massaging of her breasts. And so it would be with me, forced to remain still with the Master's cock firmly enthroned within. The teasing of the girl's nipples erect and the massaging of her breasts would bring hot wetness within telling the Master that she now was coming alive to him. A broad smile would appear on his face and the wanton girl would flush deeply that her body was betraying her.

And what would the new kajira in training be feeling? She would start to feel not just the superficial stretching of her lips around the Master's cock--the most immediately available sensation of penetration-- but she would be newly fully aware of the full length of him within her, and something primal would protest and want to escape. She'd be unable to resist trying to move a bit but the Master's hand would be firm on the collar and the other hand would pinch a nipple hard to remind her to be obedient to the "stay" command. She would be helpless to feel anything but to have the dawning awareness of the Master's full penetration become increasingly vivid to her senses. As her arousal grew she'd long to touch her clit or (more my habit) to somehow press her legs together in the way that women do to squeeze their clits and so pleasure themselves... not needing any male member to achieve this.... but in this position her clit has no stimulation, no easy way to sexual release. The only release she will have will be if she accepts her Master's cock as the ruler of her desires, and this is something she has not yet learned how to do. Her pussy grows hotter and hotter around him and he can tell how fully aware she is of his invasion, and he smiles with the knowledge of how much she clearly wants to escape, to have him out of there as his cock seems more like an impediment to her pleasure than the instrument of it. She is brought to a state of whimpering, pleading desire for easy release but it is not granted her. Instead he continues to arouse her while not permitting her release by any other means than his cock. Within she can't continue to resist her nature and is coming alive to him, her vagina is growing softer and more yielding. He smiles at the knowledge that her cunt is weeping for the cock that has mastered it and she knows that this place will soon become truly his. The Master can feel his girl then truly open to him for the first time...somewhat to her surprise.. as her cunt surrenders to him and begins to shudder around him with desire for his pounding and yearning for the hot wetness of his cum inside her.

A broad smile spreads on the Master's face and he says, "Now girl you may begin to pleasure me"... using a hand obedience gesture to release her from the stay.. and the girl understands and begins to truly pleasure him feeling her Master within her in the place that would always be his. She rises and falls on him, squeezes his rod within her, relishes the feel of him and massages her Master's cock with her pussy lovingly. When he then begins to pound her hard, she no longer hides from him but opens to him again and again, feeling each thrust as his as though it is his cock saying "mine, mine, mine" and her body now answers him truly with spasms of "yours, yours, yours" Her throes of orgasm and surrender seize his member in a loving and needy embrace wanting to drink deeply of him, thirsty for his explosion. The Master makes sure she remembers truly being fucked by him by extending this experience as long as he can until with a cry of triumph he releases into her and she yields up her shuddering surrender, weeping for joy and for sorrow for she will never again have any scrap of freedom. It is a type of orgasm that is very different from self-pleasure, difficult for a woman to come to but once learned, that woman will be tamed to the will of he who can evoke this in her. The love slave will then lay in your arms with all sweetness, feeling the wet streams of your cum down her legs, the ache in her gut from the recent pounding and the warm burning abrasion on her lips, the soreness in her nipples, and the shuddering aftershocks of her submission and they will all add up to the sum of the pleasure of truly being owned.

And so then truly the former hellion becomes gentled and owned in a new and real sense. This feeling will follow her to the most mundane of tasks so that if the Master sets her to scrub the floor and as she is scrubbing she thinks about disobedience she will immediately feel both his cock within her asserting that her body is his to command and also she will remember the Master's right to punish her body if she lags. The two sensations deeply in her body will prevent her from straying from his will. From then on when she sinks into nadu and spreads her knees apart, she opens within to her Master, always expectantly waiting for his entry, deep within her pussy she is remembering each subtle contour of his shape, and her body remembering who owns her.

Taming my rebellious alt

Sometimes when I am away from my Master the mind and heart wanders back to things discussed, experienced, or dreamed about.

Today I am thinking about the extra work and extra rewards offered by my rebellious alt and the path taken in her taming....

When she was branded, she emoted that the branding made her angry and cold and shrinking from you... that was totally an IC response ... (actually I was very hot).

She would emote that and her eyes would flash with fury and she'd curse her Master to the heavens and she would indeed tighten up her little pussy and shrink away... BUT... and it is an important but to know... she'd be very hot inside that pussy and hope that she couldn't get away from you that easily. She is testing Mastery.

She'd expect her Master to say with his characteristic smile, "Rant and thrash all you like girl as I enjoy the bucking all the more". Which would make her angry, amused and aroused all at once, basically she'd simmer for her Master. My alt does know that she is kajira but she has more fight in her than muse and has to put on these little shows of rebellion ... she is testing her Master... she needs to be fucked, none too gently, on the Master's terms, not hers a few times to make her slavery real to her, preferably while she is screamingly angry at him before she gets a little more gentle under his hands and is secure that this kind of crap will not drive the Master away, scare him off, or ever get her off the hook from her duty to pleasure her Master.

My Master cannot rape me, I am his. If in my confusion I resist his will, it is only part of my training that I will be tied up to stop me from hurting my Master or being hurt by him while you teach her how she is to be used.

Resisting him is crazy behaviour, not to be taken seriously. If she hits out at her Master, it causes him deep belly laughs.

Mixing punishment with sex is not our thing... but I am fully awakened only because my Master does not spare the rod at other times. When IC my Master really needs to deal harshly with her slips to assure that her tone and manner are fitting the new relationship, or she gets lazy or continues to test by becoming more mouthey and flip and this sets the training back. This can be tiresome and frustrating to both of us because really we want to get to the place where I sweetly and lovingly give power to my Master.

We both crave to enjoy the loving feelings between slave and Master. It doesn't hurt and may help the training to cuddle and for the Master to be gentle with her when she is being obedient, humble and trying hard to please, and indeed she has managed to be in that sweet loving place with her new Master sometimes, which is encouraging. The Master rewards her for it when she truly deserves it (which hasn't been very often).

But he doesn't let her get away with a thing. One or two times lately she has slipped up and started to behave in an ooc way while IC and she seriously immediately felt her tail tucked in expecting the crack of a crop on her ass. It was mildly disappointing and a bit confusing when nothing happened. She is hardly going to ask for it verbally, the Master knows when she is "asking for it.

On the whole, she responds better to a sense that any slip is immediately punished than if it builds up over time and she is severely punished. I know that the Master has a natural sense of when to reward and when to punish and she is actually tougher than muse. When she is thrashed now, she'll be angry and hurt... which means she is not yet fully Mastered, so she needs more not less. When the Master thrashes her and she feels embarassed that she has done wrong, ashamed that she has been punished, and then views the lash marks with pride at the firmness of her Master, she'll be there.

She has mentally submitted ... she has the right attitude and wants to please... but needs to feel Mastery in her body through sexual Mastery and through learning to humbly submit to punishment
These two things will bring the Master a respectful girl that will be more easy to handle and with less of a need to test his Mastery on an ongoing basis (which can be fun but also tiring and sometimes no doubt confusing).
And this will be half of the training of the tempestuous girl that snarls on the end of my Master's chain.